MovieChat Forums > Foul Play (1978) Discussion > Does anyone know what the Japanese peopl...

Does anyone know what the Japanese people are saying?

In case anyone speaks Japanese, what are the two Japanese buisnessmen laughing in the back of the car laughing about "Kojak, bang bang!" saying? (towards the end)
Whatever it was, you can tell it was pretty funny.

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I think they were a couple actually. Man and woman I mean... Wish i knew what they say too but unfortunately I don't speak any Japanese either.. Loved that scene, it was one of the best in the movie!


I don't speak a lot of Japanese, but I think they think they're being filmed in a movie or TV show. When she said Kojak, they seemed to make the connection with Hollywood and not law enforcement. Like I said, I don't speak a lot of Japanese, but that's how what little I understood sounded.


Also noted [though I also do not speak Japanese, but got the gist, with the couple's amused behavior] ... when Gloria mentioned the familiarity "Kojak...Bang, bang!" obviously the couple were fans of the show (in their native country) and got a literal bang out of being part of an actual police car chase...

Similar to kids *hiding out* in the back seat of a getaway car...totally in awe that a car chase is happening... so that they can brag to their buddies later :)



Some of what they're saying is hard to pick up (the man sounds a bit accented), but:

First the man says "We've been kidnapped!"

And then when Gloria mentions Kojak, he explains to his wife "You know Kojak, the man with the bald head? This man is him!"

When they bring out the flag they're saying "This is America!" (or, "This is so American!")

The one after that when they're hidden from view and come back up again, the man is saying something like "It wouldn't be like this..." but I couldn't pick up completely. The man sounds a bit accented.

In the end when they say Sayonara, the man says to his wife "This was such fun!"


Very cool, thanks for the translation.
