'Holy SHlT!'

I don't know why, but I always think of this scene when I think of Chevy Chase. His boss tells him Rupert Stiltskin is also known as "The Dwarf" and it all comes together in his mind. He says "Holy SHlT!!" and rushes out. Not a dynamic scene, I know, but I really like it.

Well, in the immortal words of Darkwing Duck, 'Lets get DANGEROUS!'


I thought it was odd because it was the only time someone cursed in the movie.


oh, there's lots of cussing...

1) after the detectives first question his holiness, the housekeeper says:
"Well, now the sh** has really hit the fan!" (about an hour in...)

2) when Gloria escapes from the "massage parlor"... the housekeeper is sitting in the car and says:
"Oh Go* **mnit, go get her!"

3) when Mr. Hennessey tries to break the bricks with his hands,
but doesn't, he says "OH Sh**!"

4)when the housekeeper is describing her time in
jail, she calls it a He**hole.

5) when they are in the Lincoln rushing toward the opera house, Tony says
"Son of a Bi***!"


That line from the Housekeeper always stands out for me...

'Now the sh** has really hit the fan!'

So funny!

‘Six inches is perfectly adequate; more is vulgar!' (Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Re: An open window).



Rachel's line was near a scene stealer : ()



And the old ladies' Scrabble board with the implied F-word.

"I will not go down in history as the greatest mass-murderer since Adolf Hitler!" - Merkin Muffley
