Aside from Universal's 'Frankenstein' trilogy and the George Romero 'Dead' films, were there any classic 'horror' films that had good sequels? Seems like every time I watch a classic horror film I find out that it had several sequels and they were awful. Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Exorcist, Omen, Saw, Psycho, Jaws. I just don't get it. Why is it so hard to make good sequels to great horror films?
Because the studios are in a hurry to make money on the franchise, they don't care about quality. Omen II came close, they never should have fired Mike Hodges.
I thought the 'Psycho' sequels did all right. I mean, you can't possibly match up to the original in that case, and they didn't, but they weren't anything I'd call "bad."
But as to your question, it's just plain hard to make a good sequel to anything. How do you find a new, entertaining story using characters who have been introduced and gone through their dramatic arcs in another movie already? It can be done, but it's not easy, and sometimes not even possible. It's a shame sequels keep getting made as some sort of automatic reflex regardless.
You didn't mention 'Halloween,' but those sequels—however good or bad they are—all do horrible retroactive things to the plot of the original, for no reason except that Michael Myers tracking down his relatives provides an excuse for there to be any sequels. It's really pretty awful when you think about it.
- Psycho II - Psycho III - The Exorcist III - Halloween III - Halloween 4 - Halloween: H20 - The Fly II - Damien: Omen II - Friday The 13th Part 2 - Friday The 13th: The Final Chapter - Jason Lives: Friday The 13th Part VI - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 - Evil Dead II
I actually like Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Exorcist II, Damien: Omen II, and Jaws 2. I think people are hard on sequels. They expect them to bring something new and original to the table. At the same time if they stray too far away from the first film then people complain it's so different it shouldn't even be called a sequel. With many fans you can't win while making a sequel and no matter what you do it won't be as good as the original. I try to judge them on their own merits and not compare them to the first so much.
With that being said, most franchises don't warrant 9, 10, or 11 films. After a certain point you can tell it's just about the money and not the quality.
I loved Halloween 2 and Friday 13th parts 2 and 3 were good, nightmare 3 dream warriors and tcm 2 I thought were also pretty decent. Evil dead 2 is brilliant !
So many Horror films have had great sequels. Most people have a real anti-sequel bias.
I haven't seen Damien: Omen II in a LONG time. I'm pretty sure I've only seen it the one time too. I'm quite surprised to see it held in pretty damn high regard by many on here and IMDB. I'll be reivisting it at some point that's for sure. Truth be told I can hardly remember a thing about it.