MovieChat Forums > Convoy (1978) Discussion > Breaker Breaker.........

Breaker Breaker.........

Hi All,
I just saw Convoy for the first time last night. I didnt dislike it as much as I though I was going to. Considering its a movie based on a novelty song, it could of been a disaster. But Sam actually made it watchable, even enjoyable. Its defiantely a weaker entry in Sam's catalouge, Especially when compared to filsm like "Straw Dogs" Wild Bunch" Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid" etc...
I was curious to know what others thought about this film?

Over and Out.....


I disagree with the statement that the song "Convoy" was a novelty. As most, if not all country music fans know, this sing has been recently done by the incredibly talented Canadian musician Paul Brandt, and it is a hit again. Like all trucking songs from the '60's, it is still widely listened to, and is a classic, just like the movie based on it.


Well, you can't argue with the musical opinions of a country and western fan...


i thought it was a 70s tune. not 60s.

Buslady of SoCal
"Raphael has kidnapped me, DO NOT RESCUE!"


Hey I don't know but I saw it in the theater as a kid when it first came out.It is as great today as it was then.It is like watching the death of an era though.Those times are long gone.Anyway it is a great movie.


Why would you watch a movie that your're expecting not to like to begin with?


The song was very definitely a novelty one in England. In fact, RADIO ONE dj Dave Lee Travis did a wickedly funny rip-off for Top Of The Pops in a thick Manchester accent.

If you watch the excellent docco film 'Easy Riders, Raging Bulls', there is an interesting section on the downfall of Peckinpah and the problems he had in Convoy. Apparently, he engineered his own firing (so he could engineer his usual 'Phoenix Act' according to Kris Kristofferson) but KK said he'd walk as well if Spikings and Deeley followed through with it. It lead to the following exchange between director and star:

Peckinpah: You son-of-a-bitch, I was almost out of here.

Kristofferson: Well, you son-of-bitch, you got me here in the first place.

Why don't we have mavericks like this anymore? Instead, we're lumbered with wankers like Michael Bay.
