movies that fastly tells its age?
since this movie mostly takes place on the road (obviously), it's always sorrounded by veichles of all kinds, those must be the kind of movies that, shouldn't say age fastest perhaps, but certeinly looks its age.
heck, even the people driving them, you don't see these kind of actors come around today.
so unless there are some kind of movies totally sourounding cellphones or computers (the later sounds highly possibly, though i don't know jack about cellphones.), i guess few movies can tell its age like these kind.
what a weird night in town,
will you look around, leaf after leaf, leaves are crying on the ground,
shoppingmall dolls are coming to life,
they are moving in the windows, some without heads, in this spooky night,
and i find myself throwing you in a wheelbarrow, and run you right out of town,
becouse i can't stand to have hags like you around,
or i'll saw you in half,
how about that, maybe i shall,
throw you in a dumpster,
on the outside youre a princess, but on the inside youre a monster,
i'll walk up on a stairway,
and throw you out of my way,
and if anyone takes your stand,
i'm gonna throw that one out a hotel window and let it crash,
with the green weird stuff running down the drainpipes,
in this weird, sparking, neon signed, colourful night.