Closed Captioning
ShowtimeE, Flixw and Flixe have been broadcasting Convoy for the past few weeks. Though I discovered and taped the movie again due to CLOSED CAPTIONING HAS BEEN ADDED. Though I realize CC is for the hearing impaired I often watch tv and dvd's and watch them with CC. I enjoy watching, listening and reading the dialogue.
Since CC has now been added and this is VERY BRAND NEW, since Showtime's first broadcast 1/1/05 did not have CC, this brings us closer to the Special Edition dvd.
Whom ever did type the CC, did a very impressive job. Since the original script was very choppy (talking more than 25 years ago) and adlibbed during filming. I picked up words I could not understand.
It is very difficult to make any official contact with United Artist or MGM. I'm looking for someone or group to help in small financial venture to create a special edition dvd. Which will include commentary with my self and John Bruhn (who was there with his father that were hired to bring the trucks in for filming, he was there for not if all the filming. I know the movie word for word beginning to end and the movie is very personal to me).
Also need to video interview CW McCall and Chip Davis. This will not be anywhere near a million or half million dollar project but possibly in the end 6 digits or less. Any serious financiers please email me at [email protected]
David Frederick