MovieChat Forums > Convoy (1978) Discussion > a couple things about this film I've alw...

a couple things about this film I've always wondered about

First, was the school bus abruptly stopping in front of Pig Pen and the kids running across the road planned by the cops as a tactic to seperate the rest of the Convoy from the Duck? The way Stacy Love was standing there arms crossed grinning at him like "ha ha we got you now" seemed like it was all planned in advance.

The other thing was how Kristofferson looked at the end while hiding out in the hippie bus. Forgot how any of the dozens of cops and National Guard troops there missed seeing him somehow magically swim out and away from his wrecked truck in the water, what happened to his beard? It grew larger and why is it suddenly all gray?

I liked this movie as a kid, for what it's worth it's a very "big" feeling movie....lots of wide open space and the trucks are made to seem larger and more bad ass than normal. The music was pretty good too, especially in the very beginning of the film. My main gripe with the film is that it's confused and can't seem to make up its mind weather it's a comedy, action, a political statement or some mish-mash combination of all three.
