This is WORSE than a family comedy about Hitler presented as a good guy
I mean jesus christ. The characters in this film beat up innocent cops, destroys gouverment buildings and cars, resists arrest and putting police officers in danger for no real reason and they are the movies "good guys". I mean what the *beep* Ok, the cop in the beginning was hafly dirty but that didn't give any of them the right to punch him, and if so what about the two cops that came to his rescue. They beat them up and for some reason they where made into the good guys of the fight and then we see all those crazie marons supporting them. I mean this is like having a nice family comedy about a nice man called Alolf Hitler and his Nazi friends killing and torturing jews while being presented as the good guys. This film honestly made me sick and the only other films ever to do that is the Devils Rejects. The main difference between these two movies is that the main characters in tDR was presented as "bad-guys" while the bad guys in this film was presented as the good guys. I have always hated the death penalty but Kris Kristoffersons character seriously deserved that and I actually think of the half dirty cop as the good guy. As he said he represented the law and the truckers didn't care. The black guy broke the law and should be in jail and so should all the other truckers. I was seriously hoping they would all get shot and killed, but no the seriously disturbed maniac "good guys" all made it through. And that *beep* up Hollywood ending was just one of the most disappointing things in world history. Its not that I don't like bad guys and often even hoping the bad guys will win or atleast escape but what I can't take is these crazie disturbed bad guys being presented as the "good guy". The god damned freaking "Heroes" with pure motives.
Somebody here has been drinking and I'm sad to say it ain't me - Allan Francis Doyleshare