problems with chase scene
overall i think it was a good movie for 1978. but it did have some problems with the chase scene in the hospital that i felt was bad even for 1978. this is when she is being chased by the guy with the gun through the various hospital rooms.
1)why does she keep ducking into rooms? she works there and knows how to find security or get to a populated area
2)when she finds a colleague named Jerry, why does she leave him when he takes a phone call? even if she felt safe at this time, just a moment later she spots the guy that she's afraid of. instead of just going back to Jerry's side, she ducks into the amphitheater. why not just wait with him again? which leads to.....
3)how does she know the guy she just spotted is after her, or the guy that pretended to be security earlier? she's never seen his face before
4)she locked the bad guy in the freezer. he's locked in there. not going anywhere. why not contact hospital security or police at this time? the next shot shows her back at her boyfriend's place and frantic about being chased, but she should be relieved at this point since she is now safe. but i guess she didn't tell the police or any of the other hundred doctors still in the hospital at the time.
while it was still a fairly thrilling chase sequence, these problems gave it a 'B' movie feel to it and cheapened the rest of the movie for me.