'Yes, cat as in 'K-A-T'

Was it my imagination or did Honor Blackman's character say that? Why K?

Also, since there aren't many topics on this movie, did anybody else enjoy it more than they expected to?

It only had two out of five stars in the tv listings, but I found it pretty entertaining and intriguing. The American guy was the best character, well rounded and witty. Not the kind of cardboard cutout one might expect in a movie with such a low rating.

The only thing that bugged me was when the supposed mental health worker told them to keep their doors and windows locked, having just made a huge hole in one of their windows by jumping through it. They could've at least had a brief shot showing someone boarding it up, but nobody mentioned it.

Spiggin hufter!


You heard correctly: Blackman spelled "cat" with a "k," scout's Honor! I thought it was an odd an interesting touch. I don't think we're supposed to read too much into it other than the fact that her character perhaps wasn't as smart as she thought she was.

I also found this very entertaining, and I was surprised this was a Radley Metzger film. In many ways, it feels like a classic whodunnit with the inevitable twists, turns and explanations, but it's worthwhile nonetheless for the excellent cast. Too bad this film is so obscure.


She knew how to spell cat but was being facetious. I found the film enjoyable if not taken too seriously.

I don't think I want to go to the pictures. Oh?Why not? I've seen everything worth seeing.
