telly savalas..

was hilarious in this


they botched the ending by not having him telling all to news papers and getting a new plane the scene at cemetery was hilarious everyone knows it takes days to drive from desert to arlington virginia


lol So easy to picture him calling all the reporters 'perverts' at a press conference.


They were not in Arlington, VA. They showed the police come by Brubaker's house to pick the wife and kids up from her own house which is in Houston where Dr. Kelloway also worked at NASA in Houston and he also makes some remark about how she should be at the memorial service which is "right here in Houston" when he visits her at home with her children in the pool.

The astronauts also were around Houston area, about 200 mile radius based on the guy who spoke about the signal being maybe around 200mi (given it is Houston which is a coastal city, 200mi from there is likely West of Austin to South West of Dallas). It's empty there and kinda looks like that so it is possible it is there in TX.

Overall the movie is a fun thrilling entertainer. Sure, it has issues and flaws but they did a good job keeping the conspiracy to just maybe a dozen people tops and yes there are some plot holes like almost all movies but it was a good movie


This and the players club commercials. Some of his best work.


Stole the show as well as the letter "A".
