Check out I'm not saying I think this, but if you investigate further then it seems strange. However I think that the American Space program (if true, as it most likely is) is very good and I feel sorry for the Astronauts that pioneered space travel (Russia) and those that first took man to the moon, and all those who lost there livesin search of the stars, when these ideas are suggested.
Second, any and every hoax 'theory' (even that gives it too much merit) I have seen presents a flimsy argument with virtually no real evidence, and often (even worse) made up or just plain wrong statements. I personally think that anyone who believes said hoax theory either has not looked into it deep enough to make an educated decision, or is an idiot. If you don't want to take my word for it, visit, it is a great site debunking every hoax argument I have heard, and presenting irrefutable evidence that the Apollo program in fact occured as we know it.
You know the part of JFK was played by one of his older brothers or distant cousins, very much like with the Baldwins and I think Jackie O did a nice job of mourning all over that blood filled cantaloupe too!
Merovingian Goddess Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!
it's interesting to see, that since last year this theory got a growing number of supporters. seems to me being related to the people's trusting into the bush administration after the faked secret weapons of iraq. for example, they showed 'capricorn one' on german television shortly after bush said "we are going to mars"...
lol...too bad capricorn one scenes weren't appearing during the mainstream news here in the states!! Or everytime NASA speaks for that matter!! :) One of the best books out there on the subject of the moon landing is titled "dark moon - apollo and the whistleblowers" by David S Percy and Mary D Bennett. Scientifically, the official story from the corporate media and NASA does not hold water.
First off, the Percy-Bennett book is complete crap. The authors simply use speculation and conjecture for their arguments, they fail to research even the most basic facts correctly, they have a poor understanding of basic science, and they fail to address the heaps of evidence contrary to their position. And I don't know exactly what you mean when you say the scientific side does not hold water; I have looked through it quite thoroughly and everything makes perfect sense.
sorry a12, I have to disagree with you. Did you read the 568 page book or did you use your site to let it debunk it for you? In that case, whoever runs the site (i skimmed through it, and i couldn't find a name of the web owner) uses the oldest trick in the book. Varied sentences used out of context from the dark moon. Whoever runs the site put alot of vested interest in the Dark Moon, I would like to have some info on the researchers there. I read some sort of a "trust me I have a phd" info about this person. But no names, I find that rather suspicious. Also, you made this very telling statement earlier about "people that believe in the hoax theory either don't look into it deep enough or is an idiot" Well, that really shows your character and it reminds me of the time FOX had the special program discussing the NASA inconsistencies. The program was called, "Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" and the NASA director for the media Brian Welch had no response to leading researcher's questions except for: "We went to the moon and anyone who doesn't believe it is nuts." Sorry but that would have been the perfect time for NASA to state its case once and for all and the director's defensive mode reminded me of your statement. Like I said before, I don't know where I stand on the issue. I haven't researched it enough. I know where the credible authors are if I was interested. I know that the whole moon mission is very hoaxable. And NASA does have a credibility problem on many issues of the past and present. Here is an interesting site:
That's the thing. The Apollo project is NOT hoaxable. There were hundreds of thousands of people involved. So either every one of them is in on the hoax, and not a single one has said a word about it, or they are also all in the dark. If they are in the dark, they spent many years of their lives building equipment designed to go to the moon, so why wouldn't they simply use it to go to the moon? There still remains a massive paper trail of blueprints, mission reports, flight plans, and other data from the project. Outside of the paper trail, the 6 flights brought back over 800 pounds of moon rock, and any geologist in the world will tell you that the samples come from the moon, and there is no possible way for them to be manufactured on Earth. Thousands of people watched the launch live, hundreds saw the TLI burns with their own eyes, anyone with a telescope and a knowledge of where the spacecraft was could see the urine dumps, and hundreds watched the capsules parachute into the ocean. These people weren't just in the United States, the Soviets were watching with great interest also, and would surely have blown the secret if they found out. There are thousands of photographs, thousands of hours of audio, and hundreds of hours of video which document the program. Theres the testimony of 24 men who went to the moon, the 12 who walked on it, the hundreds of flight controllers who were watching live telemetry from the spacecraft, the engineers who confirmed the data was or was not correct, etc. The clavius website is run by an aerospace engineer, and each point he writes is debated and approved on the bulletin board there, as well as on the Bad Astronomy Bulletin Board, by other engineers, and many people who know a whole lot about the program. I stand by my statement of earlier, and I decline to say which category you fall in, frankly I'm not sure yet. As for aulis, I have thoroughly read the site, and they spew the same arguments as everyone else, which make no sense logically nor scientifically.
well it´s simple, ain´t it ? Turn one of those strong telescopes to the moon and show me the waving flag (no atmosphere there, but who cares). We can´t see galaxies heck knows how far away, but no way to catch the moonbuggie or the US flag on a 300,000km planetar body ?? come on...
You need to know a little bit about physics and optics and resolution to realize that it would be impossible to resolve an object as small as the moonbuggie from earth.
The lunar rover was 3.1 meters long, and the moon's mean distance from the earth is 384,403,000 meters. That means the lunar rover would subtend an arc of 0.00000046205 degrees when viewed from earth. Even today, we can't build a telescope that can resolve an image that small.
We can see galaxies from millions of light years away because they are so huge. But there's plenty in those images we can't resolve.
These are pictures taken by a lunar orbiter. Pictures showing the Apollo landing sites. Heck, there's even one picture that shows the footpaths taken by the astronauts.
You would have been able to find the webmaster's name if you had clicked on the link titled "ABOUT THE AUTHOR" (Big clue to where to find his name). It contains his bio and his qualifications. I guess the reason "some people" can't grasp the fact that we went to the moon "skimmed through" all the evedence. If you TAKE THE TIME TO READ all the evedence you will be able to understand it.
The conspiracy theorists are conspiring against me.
"In that case, whoever runs the site (i skimmed through it, and i couldn't find a name of the web owner) uses the oldest trick in the book."
I am the author of, and I have read Bennett and Percy's book. Please show which quotes I have taken out of context.
"I would like to have some info on the researchers there."
Send your real name and address to [email protected] rg and I will send you my resume and those of our contributors. The site now has my name on it. At the time you read it, I was getting threats. That has been resolved.
"I read some sort of a "trust me I have a phd" info about this person."
No. What you read was specifically the *opposite* -- that you shouldn't trust me just because I say I have degrees and experience, but because you can test these things out yourself.
"Whoever runs the site put alot of vested interest in the Dark Moon..."
I discuss all the authors.
The site is a bit heavy on Bennett and Percy because they abruptly stopped responding to my questions and deleted all my discussion from their web site. I created the site to reproduce the debates I had with them. They were invited to defend their arguments in "Conspiracy Moon Landing" but declined the invitation.
What I find suspicious are authors who publish serious accusations, decline to respond to their critics (even suppressing criticism), and answer all questions with, "You must buy all of our materials first."
" made this very telling statement earlier about 'people that believe in the hoax theory either don't look into it deep enough..."
But then you yourself say, "Like I said before, I don't know where I stand on the issue. I haven't researched it enough." This is exactly what was said. You haven't researched it enough, therefore you are one of the people who hasn't looked into it deeply. I have. I have spent more than five years investigating these various conspiracy theories, and I can tell you with full confidence that they are riddled with inaccuracy, deception, and very poor reasoning.
The real hoax is that these authors are just trying to get your money.
"FOX had the special program discussing the NASA inconsistencies. The program was called, 'Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon'..."
No. Fox's program was entitled "Conspiracy: Did We Land on the Moon?" The other film, "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" is by Bart Sibrel, and was never broadcast on Fox, although Sibrel contributed to the Fox program.
Heads seriously rolled at Fox over what was largely an unchallenged advertisement for the conspiracy theories. Fox News (which is actually a separate company) even had experts on refuting it. Part of Fox Entertainment's "penance" for having broadcast that piece of rubbish is that they now distribute Mark Gray's excellent series of unedited Apollo footage.
"NASA director for the media Brian Welch had no response to leading researcher's questions..."
Gee, a program produced by people favoring one particular theory doesn't paint a flattering picture of their opponents. What a shocker! Did it occur to you that Welch came across as dismissive because that's what the program's producer wanted to have happen?
I spoke to Brian O'Leary, the pre-Apollo astronaut interviewed for the program, about his contribution. He said that he gave the producers a half-hour interview in which he affirmed several times he believed the moon landings were real. But the producers used only the few seconds that sounded like he might have doubts. The LM expert (his name eludes me momentarily) threatened legal action against the producers for misrepresenting his comments.
Does this sound like a trustworthy film?
"I know that the whole moon mission is very hoaxable."
Irrelevant. Arguing that it's not impossible is not anywhere close to showing it was actually done that way. It was also very achievable, and there is a ton of evidence to show it was achieved. That's all the evidence your authors are struggling to explain away.
"And NASA does have a credibility problem on many issues of the past and present."
Not nearly as many as your authors, who are blatantly lying about who they are and what they know. And they run and hide from critics.
Why won't Bennett and Percy debate me? Why won't Ralph Rene debate me? Why do they confine their remarks to lay audiences who don't have the knowledge to see through their crap?
Bottom line is that the U.S. made 6 moon landings from 1969-1972. I could fathom faking one - possibly two, but not six missions. Too many NASA administrators, astronauts, scientists and engineers would have to be "kept quiet" and that's just impossible on such a large scale -- again, 6 missions! Unfortunately, yes, America wastes billions of taxpayer dollars on frivolous, repetitive space missions rather than use the money for things on earth such as medical care for the elderly & disabled, reinforcing the levees in New Orleans, fixing potholes nationwide, creating jobs & housing for the homeless, and...oh, maybe having bomber squadrons drop large dry ice blocks over tropical storms in their infancy before they develop into hurricanes. Don't knock it until you try it and at least give it a test run. It could save lives and it would at least be money well spent for a "giant leap for mankind."
"maybe having bomber squadrons drop large dry ice blocks over tropical storms in their infancy before they develop into hurricanes. Don't knock it until you try it and at least give it a test run. It could save lives and it would at least be money well spent for a "giant leap for mankind." "
You gotta be kidding me. You're grasp of the SCALE of weather formations in comparison to something as insignificant as a block of dry ice is abyssmal. They don't need to try it to know it won't do squat. The phrase "snowball's chance in hell" comes to mind.
I'm going to post a few things from the link I posted a few weeks ago. It tries to debunk the moon landing conspiracy. I'm not a scientist, so I can't debate with anyone on any of it. I'm just posting a few bits of what it says (paraphrasing)...
Where are the stars in the photographs? The stars are too faint to be seen. In the fast exposure, they don't have time to register on the film. (About a picture of the lander) If the Sun is the only source of light on the Moon, and there is no air to scatter that light, shouldn't the shadows be utterly black? The website says that the sunlight is reflected from the moon's surface onto the lander. Why is there no flame from the rocket when the lander took off? It says: "The lander used a mix of hydrazine and dinitrogen tetroxide (an oxidizer). These two chemicals ignite upon contact and produce a product that is transparent." Wouldn't the radiation in the Van Allen belt have killed the astronauts? It says: "...the spaceship traveled through the belts pretty quickly, getting past them in an hour or so. There simply wasn't enough time to get a lethal dose..." It also explains: Why the shadows don't appear to be parallel, the identical backgrounds, and why the crosshairs seem to be behind the images. And other stuff.
Answer to one of your questions: according to the Kaysing videos, van allen himself said that nothing can get through the van allen belt alive. its a video i haven't seen so i can't verify. I know that Kaysing is a very credible researcher himself. There is a also another book out there from Ralph Rene, a former consultant to NASA and the Rand corporation, called "NASA mooned America". He is quite an eccentrically brilliant mind and has a pragmatically presented case debunking NASA. I don't know where I stand with the moon mission, but I am certainly aware of NASA's lack of credibility. Case in point, airbrushed photos (michael collins spacewalk, adding in stars etc.) If they can lie once, how many more lies are they pulling on the unsuspecting public?
First: To the best of my knowledge, Bill Kaysing has not put out a video, only a book. Second, his research and credentials are just as questionable as Bennett and Percy. Kaysing worked at Rocketdyne in the early 60's, at a job which required no technical knowledge whatsoever. The same goes for Ralph Rene, who claims to be a self-taught engineer; instead he simply proves the worth of a good college education. His claims are just as faulty as anyone else's. As for the Van Allen radiation belts, living things can and did pass through them. Besides the Apollo astronauts, the Soviet Union sent a cargo of turtles around the moon, and returned them unharmed to Earth. Dr. Van Allen's statement about the severity of the belts dates back to the 50's, very recently after the belts were discovered, and he revised his findings as more data became available, and concluded that travel through the belts was entirely possible. The astronauts aboard Apollo 17 each recieved about .6 rad of radiation during the flight, well below the threshold of detectable medical effects. The severity of radiation in the Van Allen Belts is well known, not only due to the Apollo project, but since many satellites operate within the belts for long periods of time, and the radiation intensity is a very important design consideration. If the data was wrong, satellites would not perform as expected. Finally, I don't know what you are referencing when you talk about adding in stars or Collins' EVA, so unless you are more specific, I can't explain what you are thinking of.
The biggest strike against this "conspiracy" (not including the thousands of actual people involved) is that the Soviets would have wasted no time in blowing the lid off of such a coverup. The space race at that time was THE most single important PR campaign, and such a story would have fueled the pages of Pravda very well.
As far as the Van Allen belts are concerned, has it occured to you that people also work in nuclear reactors (my sister is one)...apparently safe from the lethal doses of radiation there? Just how many civilians have gone into space aboard the space shuttles now? And the shuttle is just a tad more complex than the Saturn V, isn't it?
Oh...but the government just wants an excuse for all the money put into the space program Ahem...that's just chicken feed compared to what's put into defense.
According to the Moon Cospiracy videos that I've seen, they state that all shuttle missions are well bellow the Van Allen radiation belt. They in fact that they mention a particilar shuttle mission where they went the farthest away from the earth in a shuttle, the astronauts experianced high radiation effects such as seeing flashes when one closes his eyes. NASA made an official statement that the levels of radiation in the Van Allen belt were much higher than they orrigionally asumed.
One of the best books out there on the subject of the moon landing is titled "dark moon - apollo and the whistleblowers" by David S Percy and Mary D Bennett. Scientifically, the official story from the corporate media and NASA does not hold water....
"Scientifically" it does. If you could be more specific on what part of the science you think is misleading, then I'm sure the rest of us would love to hear about it, and challange it with opposing thoughts. That's what SCIENCE is all about.
The program was called, "Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon" and the NASA director for the media Brian Welch had no response to leading researcher's questions except for: "We went to the moon and anyone who doesn't believe it is nuts." Sorry but that would have been the perfect time for NASA to state its case once and for all and the director's defensive mode reminded me of your statement. ...
The idea being that you want to believe that you've come across something few other people realize just to show how clever you are, and to get a laugh. Neat.
Like I said before, I don't know where I stand on the issue. I haven't researched it enough. ...
I know that the whole moon mission is very hoaxable.
No you don't. You're just being a jerk, and are insulting the plethora of test pilots who tested technology platforms by putting their lives on the line by flying rockets with wings. Then again, maybe their funerals were faked.
Odds are you have (or were the recipient of) poor grades in school, and want to show just how smart you are by pointing the finger at people who, quite frankly, know their field a lot better than you. Either that or your just some 12 year old punk, and I'm wasting my time.
Regardless, rather than rely on someone else trying to make a buck off your ignorance (because that's all this amounts to; and specifically the books and programs you've exposed your to), why don't you enroll yourself in the local JC, take some engineering courses, then decide for yourself?
Or are you incapable of doing that?
Just out of curiosity, what is YOUR field of expertise? I'll bet I could find a few hundred people willing to tell you that your birth was faked, and that your parents (who really aren't your parents) lied to you about where you came from.
I mean, you realize that storks deliver babies... right? Forget that nonsense about child birth, it's actually a magic fairy living up in the clouds with a flock of white birds. She waves her magic wand, and *POOF* a kid appears; with a parachute all packed up and ready to go.
There've been some legal issues recently because she and Santa Claus have been competeing for air-space during Christmas-Eve for deliveries. It's in all the papers... didn't you know?
In all seriousnous if you can't balance a chemical equation, solve a simple acceleration problem, or understand some of the other basic frundamental laws of nature, then maybe you ought to shut up.
I think it's called "owning up." I read about that somewhere... by someone very credible. *ahem*
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"insulting the plethora of test pilots who tested technology platforms by putting their lives on the line by flying rockets with wings."
That's for sure. By way of comparison: I'm an IT professional myself, and I have a few industry certifications (A+, Microsoft Certified Professional, and a few others) that I naturally list on my résumé. To get those certificates, I had to spend dozens and dozens of hours studying, plus thousands of dollars in exam fees and study materials. It was a lot of time, effort, and money.
I once met someone who asked me whether I really had those certificates, or whether I was just saying that I did. I am not a violent person, but even so, the minute those words left his lips, literally the first thing that went thru my head was an image of me punching his lights out. And that's just over some certifications. I can't imagine how furious I'd be if I were an Apollo astronaut hearing about moon landing conspiracy theories. It's a hell of a lot harder (and more dangerous) to be an astronaut than it is to be an IT professional.
Attn: wamies; According to, Ralph Rene "often claims to be an engineer, although he admits he has no credentials and is self-taught." (everyone should trust an expert that's "self-taught", right?) And checkout for more detailed info on "Mr." Kaysing. Look at the sky in a picture of any night-time sporting event in a brightly lit open air sports arena. If you don't see stars, the game MUST have been played at area 51, no matter what the caption says. CALL BILL KAYSING, IT'S A SPORTS CONSPIRACY!!
The conspiracy theorists are conspiring against me!
OH noes!!! I didn't see hardly any stars out tonight, I didn't see any at all!! Uh-oh I must be in some kind of Giant Dome at Area 51, *puts on nerdy/consperacy glasses* "The g-men are out to get me, the man is out to get me!!" Lol.
One shouldn't trust or distrust someone because of being self-taught. That's nonsense. Many of science's greatest minds succeeded in areas they were self-taught in.
By definition you can't move science forward without new ideas that weren't just repeats of what you were taught. Most new science refutes old science. Should we still be teaching what was being taught as science 100 years ago? Public schools are painfully slow at updating materials to keep up with current science, you need to be a self-teaching, skill-updating, cross-disciplined, researcher, if you want any chance of being a ground-breaking scientist.
"...van allen himself said that nothing can get through the van allen belt alive."
Utter rubbish. James Van Allen worked with NASA to design the Apollo trajectory. I have a letter from him that contains the following quote: "The recent Fox TV show, which I saw, is an ingenious and entertaining assemblage of nonsense. The claim that radiation exposure during the Apollo missions would have been fatal to the astronauts is only one example of such nonsense."
Dr. Van Allen specifically *opposes* the conspiracy theory; he does not endorse it.
"I know that Kaysing is a very credible researcher himself."
How do you know this? His college degree is in English literature (USC, 1949) and he has no scientific or engineering training. Yet he seems to proclaim himself to be an expert on space travel. Even other conspiracy theorists such as James Collier discount Kaysing's experience. His book makes many wild claims (e.g., that the Dutch newspapers revealed the hoax in 1969) that would be easy to provide evidence for, but he declines to do so.
Futher, in the promotional materials he faxes to people he says that he quit Rocketdyne because of its connection to the federal government during Apollo, and he was upset with the government over the treatment of Vietnam veterans. In other words, he states his own motives to discredit Apollo based on something completely unrelated to it.
He is neither skilled nor unbiased. Upon what basis are we to believe he is credible?
"There is a also another book out there from Ralph Rene, a former consultant to NASA and the Rand corporation..."
LOL! Rene never worked for NASA or had anything whatsoever to do with NASA or space travel. He never worked for the Rand Corporation in any capacity. He is a retired construction worker. He has no training in science or engineering.
"He is quite an eccentrically brilliant mind and has a pragmatically presented case debunking NASA."
There may be some justification for saying he is intelligent. He was briefly a member of Mensa, the organization for people who score highly on intelligence tests. But they kicked him out, apparently for his eccentric behavior.
His "pragmatic" approach to Apollo is simply a recitation of all the specific things Rene doesn't know about. For example he tries to discuss the heating of the LM on the lunar surface, and blunders through a completely inept attempt at computing heat transfer. He's obviously never done it before and therefore isn't an expert. He may have scored well on his intelligence tests, but he has not studied science or engineering to know those specific things.
"Case in point, airbrushed photos (michael collins spacewalk, adding in stars etc.)..."
No, that's Ralph Rene making assumptions.
Michael Collins wrote a book called "Carrying the Fire". In some editions of that book there is a frontispiece (a photo at the beginning of the book to sort of set the tone) showing him in a space suit against a black background. Rene noticed that the same photo appears later in the book with the background intact -- it is of Collins in the zero-g "Vomit Comet" airplane.
Rene jumped to the conclusion that the frontispiece was meant to represent Collins in his Gemini space walk, and that NASA had fabricated the photo out of the zero-g airplane photo in order to provide evidence for that. There is absolutely nothing to support that interpretation.
First, the frontispiece does not have a caption. (Frontispieces usually don't.) So there's nothing explicitly to tell the reader that it is supposed to be a picture of Collins in space.
Second, NASA had nothing to do with the production of "Carrying the Fire". That was Collins' private work. If Collins' editor wants to create an artistic impression using an old photo, that's his business. "Carrying the Fire" is not an "official" NASA publication.
NASA's position is, and has always been, that because the Hasselblad camera was lost on Collins' Gemini mission, none of the photos of his spacewalk are available. NASA has never put forward any photograph claiming it to be of Collins on his Gemini spacewalk. Rene is trying to paste his interpretation of the photo back on NASA. When challenged, he claimed there was an edition of the book in which the black-background photo was labeled as Collins' spacewalk. But writer Jim Oberg offered Rene $10,000 for Rene to produce any such edition -- and to date Rene has not collected on that offer.
I have no idea what you mean by "adding stars".
NASA public relations people sometimes produce "cleaned up" Apollo photographs for graphical arts purposes. That is, they airbrush out the lens flares or other artifacts of photography that spoil the appearance of the photos. This is not to substitute them for the originals, which are also freely available. But just to provide a service that is common when photographs are used for non-historical or non-scientific purposes, such as for advertising.
I don't buy into the "guilt by association or extension" argument. That is, "NASA lied once; why wouldn't they lie again?" That tries to substitute a conjecture based on motive in place of actual evidence. Let's say for the sake of argument that someone lied once. If you suspect him of lying again, you can just prove he's lying in that second instance by showing that what he said doesn't match the facts. Whether someone is lying is -- in each case -- a matter of examining the evidence particular to that case, irrespective of what he said and did earlier, or may say and do in the future.
Having previously lied might raise *suspicion* that someone is lying, but suspicion is not proof. To prove someone is lying in some specific case you must actually look at evidence, not speculate from motive.
Question: How come NASA has never been able to explain what caused the fire that killed Gus Grissom and two other astronauts? Grissom's family is still convinced that it was no accident.
Also, how do you explain why Thomas Baron died in a car hit by a train just before he was about to testify to Congress on NASA's wrongdoings with a 500 page report, which has been missing since he got killed?
"Question: How come NASA has never been able to explain what caused the fire that killed Gus Grissom and two other astronauts? Grissom's family is still convinced that it was no accident.
Also, how do you explain why Thomas Baron died in a car hit by a train just before he was about to testify to Congress on NASA's wrongdoings with a 500 page report, which has been missing since he got killed?"
I love how none of the so-called "debunkers" are willing to touch these questions with a 40-foot pole. Gee, I wonder why...
If you watch CAPRICORN ONE (which is a film I truly enjoy) again, you will pick up it's own little argument on how the Moon landings could not have been faked. After all, the faked Mars landing can't even survive past the astronauts' funerals.
But seriously, it is a sad commentary on our times that some people actually think we faked something like going to the Moon. They may say it's natural cynicism due to government lies, but it's more likely their own inability to deal with the present-day work they live in. They'd probably be much happier living in Medeival times worshipping with the Druids.
Check out Carl Sagan's THE DEMON-HAUNTED WORLD. He had this idiocy pegged a decade ago.
"But seriously, it is a sad commentary on our times that some people actually think we faked something like going to the Moon. They may say it's natural cynicism due to government lies, but it's more likely their own inability to deal with the present-day work they live in. They'd probably be much happier living in Medeival times worshipping with the Druids."
DD-931 I agree with what you have to say about people not being able to deal with present day work...etc that does some up alot about conspiracy theories!
P.S.People didn't worship druids (infact Druids werent worshipped they were priests)in medieval times the worship of celtic gods died out in the early Dark Ages! sorry for correcting this point so please don't get offended I just have to set things strait when History is concerned!
But seriously, it is a sad commentary on our times that some people actually think we faked something like going to the Moon.
Who is this "we" you're referring to? "We" didn't fake anything. Certain members of our government, on the other hand, may very well have. The only perps necessary for this hoax would have been a handful of high-ranking gov't officials, NASA administrators, and the astronauts who allegedly went to the moon. Not a whole lot of other people would have needed to be "in on it" considering that our government handles intelligence information on a strict "need-to-know" basis. The fact that a couple of intimately involved persons were abruptly killed under extremely suspicious circumstances before they could "talk" just goes to show how effectively information can be contained by instilling fear of a similar fate into any potential future whistleblowers.
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"Millions died in the concentration camps, but it was not the goal."
Congratulations, Pro Jury. You win the prize for most idiotic statement ever made on the IMDB. I'm sure you're also a finalist for most idiotic statement ever made on the internet, but who wants to bother with you enough to confirm it?
No, you're just being obstinant for the sake of it, most likely because you believe Jews are the source of the world's ills.
Someone probably told you that. Somebody you trust with your heart, but who is in fact lying. And you've probably correlated some very loose images that appear as facts. You want people to believe your ideas because you think have the answers to solving the problems of either your nation or world, and exposing the culprits, as you see them, is the first step.
The only problem is you're just completely wrong.
You punks are becoming more bold by posing as well educated individuals, but your complete line of crap still stinks, and people see through it.
Oh, they may not tell you to your face, but rest assured your opinions have been noted, and you will pay for them some day... one way or another. Most likely you'll get busted by the FBI, and tossed in prison where you'll shack up with some big biker-cum-white supremacist.
"Many blacks died in the slave ships sailing from Africa to the Americas, but that was not the goal."
i don't think that was the goal. I thought the goal was to have slaves. Dying was not the goal. Everyone dead equals no slaves and slaves for the "new world" was in fact the goal. Their deaths was an unintended consequence. So this statement seems to support the claims of the person you're trying to debunk. Which I know you are not trying to do. I get where you are going and to a certain extend I agree, but you argument is flawed.
"Yeah I can see myself marinating chicken in that."
If anyone thinks the moon landings were fake then they are crazy. Don't they see the Space Shuttle, the satellites, we have seen pictures of the Earth and the Hubble space telescope.
They went to the moon - no doubt about it. They lied about what they saw/found. That's the cover-up. It goes all the way back to the '53 Brookings Institution report, which was referenced in 2001: the public cannot be made aware of the existence of extraterrestrial life and/or artifacts.
CBC (Canadian Network) Aired William Karel's "Dark Side of the Moon". This is a mock-umentary with a message -- don't believe everything on tv. It mocks conspiracy theoriests as much as it pays homage to them -- eg. take documentaries, or moon landings for that matter, with a grain of salt. I think this is the film you are referrencing.
Here's CBC's explaination of that film:
DARK SIDE OF THE MOON Sunday November 16, 2003 at 10PM ET/PT repeating Friday November 21,2003 at 10PM ET/PT repeating Sunday July 11, 2004 at 10PM ET/PT repeating Friday July 16, 2004 at 10PM ET/PT
How could the flag flutter when there's no wind on the moon? During an interview with Stanley Kubrick's widow an extraordinary story came to light. She claims Kubrick and other Hollywood producers were recruited to help the U.S. win the high stakes race to the moon. In order to finance the space program through public funds, the U.S. government needed huge popular support, and that meant they couldn't afford any expensive public relations failures. Fearing that no live pictures could be transmitted from the first moon landing, President Nixon enlisted the creative efforts of Kubrick, whose 2001: a Space Odyssey (1968) had provided much inspiration, to ensure promotional opportunities wouldn't be missed. In return, Kubrick got a special NASA lens to help him shoot Barry Lyndon (1975). A subtle blend of facts, fiction and hypothesis around the first landing on the moon, Dark Side Of The Moon illustrates how the truth can be twisted by the manipulation of images.
With use of 'hijacked' archival footage, false documents, real interviews taken out of context or transformed through voice-over or dubbing, staged interviews, as well as, interviews with astronauts like Buzz Aldrin and others, Dark Side Of The Moon navigates the viewer through lies and truth; fact and fiction. This is no ordinary documentary. Its intent is to inform and entertain the viewer, but also to shake him up - make him aware that one should always view television with a critical eye.
Dark Side Of The Moon is written and directed by William Karel and co-produced by Point du Jour Production and ARTE France.
To those above who say the holocaust didn't happen you are complete utter W@nk£rs what about those who managed to survive or those whos families were murdered it proves that the new punk generation of today that say these things have no grasp of reality or any heart to not say these distorted views where those who know what happened can hear!
What you lot have been saying is cruel and complete b0ll0cks you know the holocaust happened you just want to be clever (which your not!)and/or hurt someones feelings!
Let see, I love my country... the USA that is. I really do. Our Gov't... well at times it acts a little on the silly side... but that is ok.... after all when you think about the 100,000,000 lives that the European Nations killed off last century thinks... Hey, My country (USA) and my Gov't ...really isn't that bad.
Now, when it comes to hidding a secret Gov't that is, i would rate them a negative 1000 out of 10. Simply my Gov't cannot in anyway keep a seceret. Take Nixon and Watergate.... Clinton and his knobbers in the oval office... Mr. Bush and his WMD's (which I still support my Gov't's role in knocking the snot out of Iraq... WMDs or no WMDS) ... never the less, it all leaked out. Now, do any of you honestly think that my Gov't can keep a seceret about a fake Moon Landing? Give me a break. NASA went to the moon, and yes men walked on the moon! The flag waving around on the surface? Give me a break, the only time the flag moves is when one of the Astronauts is handling it. OF COURSE IT IS GOING TO MOVE! I like Tom Hanks take on the moon missions.... "the biggest surprise about going to the moon, was the fact that we never went back."
The moon landing was real and John F. Kennedy shot himself in the head. Not every conspiracy is a science fiction story, great goverments can't exist without great lies. Who cares about some eyewitnesses who disappear cause they knew to much about secrets which could threaten the national security of a country.
Just a current example, in the ukraine they tried to poisen the presidental canidate Yushchenko with Dioxin cause he stands someone in the way, the russian goverment in this case. The Russians wanted to put their own candidate on the presidents chair, with all costs ,so they cheated at the election and tried to kill their opponent, to control their neighbor and control their interests.
The Media don't show always the truth cause they are controlled by each goverment authorities.
That's BS the story is Kubrick called up the guy who had all those cameras and lenses and told him he wanted to buy them. Zeiss? Then years later, someone, a coworker I think told him those particular cameras and lenses are priceless (they are) and he told them Kubrick bought them all back in the early 70's.