MovieChat Forums > Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979) Discussion > big theatrical remake will it happen

big theatrical remake will it happen

since the movie was actually the pilot which was released in theatres instead of a t.v release a remake would be nice bigger better effects maybe a little darker


I found a script on EBAY for a new Buck Rogers. Its a treatmeant or something, for a movie not a tv show. I was just browseing Ebay this morning and found it...there is hope for a remake or a "re-imagining"...

The treatment is completely posted too. I'm going to read it next.

Hope it doesn't suck.


Its good. Its not a complete screenplay but its better than a lot of stuff I've seen on SciFi or paid $10 for a big screen and another 10-15 for popcorn and a drink.

Anyone else read it yet?


Disney and Bruckheimer had the rights... I read a draft awhile back that wasn't very good...


Where can you read the Disney/Bruckhiemer draft at?

Was the treatment on Ebay any better?

Will this ever happen?


I would'nt at all be against seeing a big screen better effects treatment of this version of Buck Rogers, hell if they'd put in the character of Hawk along an appearence of other people in his race I'd see it several times!

"Says you! I got a seat at the big conference table. I'm gonna paint my logo on it!"- The Flash


I really hope they get a remake happening.

Although I'd like a Battlestar Galactica type tv series to movies.
