Can't Stop Watching

This is one of those series that I will watch every time as if I had never seen it before. Does anyone else out there do the same thing?


I do. I got the box set DVD pack with the movie and series and love it. ITs great to just watch good old fashioned fun tv. Theres no underlying meaning to the stories, no shaky cameras, its just action and adventure and fun.


The great thing about this series is the comraderie between the three lead actors. Sure, the show was done on a shoestring, but the chemistry between Gerard, Gray, and O'Connor is the reason it endures.

"From thy wedding with the creature who touches Heaven, lady God preserve thee..." - KING KONG


Yes, it's a classic! BIDI-BIDI-BIDI ! :-)


It's so cheesy that it's addictive!

"I always pretend to root for Gryffindors but, secretly, I love my Slytherin boys."~ Karen, W&G
