swearing !

I noticed that someone was discussing the swearing in Buck Rogers, here in the UK when it was released originally as it was on the cinema, it was an "A" rating ,because when the second tigerman appears in the launch bay at the end, Buck says "oh $#it", when its shown on telly they always cut it.


I don't know about swearing in the episodes, but I always swear when I see the Space Vampire!!

There is no justice. There is just me.


I knew you were going to say that, but Wilma was pretty sexy in that ep.


Yes, he does say it during the fight and he also kicks Tigerman in the balls. Both were edited in the T.V. version.


That techinically would be a vulgarity or perhaps cussing, not swearing. Swearing involves loosely using God's name to confirm your word, it's blasphemy, as opposed to just foulness. The "s-word" and even "f-word" aren't sacreligious, but saying "I swear to ____" is, even if no "bad" words are spoken.

People just use them so interchangably they've lost all meaning.


There was a *huge* fuss over here the last time it was shown on BBC2 - though we're talking getting on for ten years back now. In one of the eps Buck says 'What the Faulk(sp)', refering - I think - to computer manuals.

'Cept people heard 'What the *beep* and with it being shown at 6pm, they weren't too happy about it...


I also remember a cut. In the original version Twiki makes a reference to his "ball bearings" which was cut for the T.V. release. Silly thing to have to cut but they did.


"Im freezing my ball bearings off" greatest wtf-moment of this movie.


I do remember seeing an old VHS rental copy. It was rated 15 then (UK rating). It is quite raunchy from memory. Particularly the Princess. I have only ever seen it on TV. I think the Beeb probably cut it to shreds when they showed it.


This is true, I remember going to the Glenwood Theater (Glenwood, Illinois, USA) when I was all of 14 and paying $2.00 to get in, and when Buck realized there was a twin Hawkman and said under his breath "Oh, *beep* the whole place (filled with kids like me) went crazy!

A great memory, but will they ever release a DVD of just the film itself, cuss words and all?
