Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I never checked back until now; talk about a long wait. I went to camp pennelton, in el toro in calif. I was directed to a liason officer (ret.) who directed me to some old wartime marine corp publications and documents. The movie was based on the experiences of marines during the vietnam war. The units mentioned in the movie; some were real but the events portrayed in the movie are based on other experiences from other marine corp units. The movie was basically based a ficticious unit with all the vietnam experience in an hour-and-half movie; no one unit went thru all of this during one tour of duty. The endings that stated the fates of individuals marines are also ficticious. I have not, yet to date, found any factual documents thru the freedom of info act stating real names matching any name mentioned in the movie, like jerome washington, or alvin foster for example. It is still a great movie based on the reallife experiences of so many marvolous marines, some still with us, and some are not. God bless all of those marvolous marines alive and dead.