Two endings (SPOILER ALERT)

OK, years ago in the early days of VHS, I rented this movie a few times and it ended when Laurence Olivier burned the list of names in the hospital room. My brother subsequently purchased a different VHS release and it ended with one of the Hitler clones developing film in the basement.

How does it end on the DVD?


Yes I think you are right as I have seen the version than ends with Olivier buring the list and the one with the Hitler clone developing the film.

Both versions are around and show up when its shown on TV.


Wierd...I watched it on classic collection DVD and they were both in the same movie he burned the list then it showed hitler child in photo development room.

"Civillian In Peace Soldier In War,I am the guard"-Southern Comfort


I wonder who the had two endings, guess the 'burn one' seemed more optimistic and final, whereas the other one (prefer that one) seem to indicate 'the evil goes on', and that probably wasn't popular with some.


You are confused. At the end of the film, Olivier burns the list of names at the hospital, and the next scene shows the last boy, Bobby, at his home, developing the photographs of the dead Mengele.


No he's not!

My old UK rental VHS and an old UK TV print both rolled credits over the burning list, with no darkroom scene at end.

That version does exist, but no longer seems to be in circulation.


That version does exist, but no longer seems to be in circulat

Well, that's the one I always saw on TV and now I've got on DVD, my man!
"I only believe what I see", that's your motto, isn't it?


I just finished watching this on Netflix and the last scene was with Olivier in the hospital. In fact, I don't ever recall ever seeing a copy with the other scene in it and I've watched this flick over a dozen times. It's one of my favorites.


Just yesterday watched it on an older DVD, not even an anamorphic print and it had the final scene with the kid looking at his pictures which I had never seen before including when I saw the film in the theater and it was new.


The book ended similarly to the film, but with a different clone: One who liked to draw, and he was drawing pictures of vast crowds, and imagining them as an admiring audience to him. The film ending thus is a bit more subtle, less blatant, than the book's. (And in the book, the Pennsylvania clone is downright horrified at what Mengele says about him, versus in the film where he simply thinks the guy is nuts, but has an eerie enjoyment in siccing the dogs on him (versus doing so strictly in defense of his house and angered grief over his father). At least how I remember the book--I think I read that back in the 80s, long before I ever saw the movie (which I only have recently).

The DVD I have ends with Pennsylvania clone developing the photos of the dogs' carnage. That little flash in his eyes a few scenes before (when he's siccing the dogs on Mengele) was rather eerie and creepy too.

Glad I finally got to see the film--very well dramatized, and as far as I remember fairly faithful to Levin's book.

Understanding is a three-edged sword.


I've just bought the Blu Ray, watched it last night, and after the hospital scene it cuts to Bobby developing the photographs an ends there.


I just watched the Blu-ray. Both scenes are there. Others probably saw hacked up tv versions.

End of the world? So what.


The film has always had the two scenes. There is no alternative ending. I saw it theatrically when first released and various showings on TV as well as DVD and Blu-Ray. People misremember or else some TV showings have been cut.


I just watched it again on Amazon and it ended in the hospital.

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I watched it many times on HBO and had it taped on Beta

The HBO version ended with the burning list

The Netflix DVD however ended with Bobby developing photos

I prefer the burning list myself not just because it’s optimistic, but because it’s more final. We don’t need to see Bobby again ... we already know he’s a little cold after he (A) killed Mengele and (B) blackmailed Lieberman into covering for him

Also the close-up of the bear-claw bracelet is sloppy, since we’re never definitively given its back story

Thats why I think the Bobby scene feels tacked on as well as unnecessary


The blu ray I just watched had both of those events included in one single ending.
