The Uncut Version

I would love to see the uncut version---I think that would fill out the areas that feel incomplete. Such as when Matt goes to The Bears shop after causeing the collision on PCH. He feels bad, he is through with all of it--and in great emotional pain, says to Bear "You oughta know Bear!" and then suddenly everything turns around so quickly --without much explainantion other than "Those kids look up to ya!" --which just seconds earlier Matt has said he doesn't want, doesn't deserve, "I'm a drunk Bear, a screw-up"...then the next thing you know, Bear says "Dont you think you should go pick out a new board?" and Matt's too easy....there is a gap here, as you find out from the Milius commentary on the DVD--there's a back-story that's been cut. Why shoud Bear "oughta know"? Why at the end Bear says he's not a surfer, "I'm just a garbage man"? I felt as if I wanted to know a little more about where Bear was coming from. Not to mention that any unseen footage of Jan-Michael Vincent in those white board shorts--is more than a welcome bonus.
This film is genius in it's present form, gaps notwithstanding. However, for some of us, a special release uncut version would be a real treat.


I have been watching for an uncut version for years. The whole scene where the title of the movie comes from has been cut. Bear is talking to his friends at a party and tells a story about "Big Wednesday". Without that scene the title of the movie doesn't even make sense. Why would they cut this? If an uncut version is ever released I'd like to obtain a copy of it.


I also notice that there are a number of stills I have collected that do not appear in the finished movie. This is frustrating. I really wish a limited edition uncut version would be released...maybe we can hope for that at the next 25 year anniversary!


I've read a longer version of the script and there's also a whole bunch more story to Matt's return from Vietnam and how Sally waited for him as long as she could. They have a tumble on the beach then he drifts away, knowing he no longer has a place in her life. I believe (but I'm not sure) that if you look at the trailer on the DVD there's footage from the scene.

Also, if you live in LA, you can go to the Motion Picture Arts Academy library and read a couple different drafts of the script.


What an excellent reply--so informative, thank you.


We tried to get WB Home Video to restore the film years ago for the DVD, add special features, and so forth. They couldn't be bothered, citing "budget considerations." If the film had made money theatrically or on VHS or laserdisc, perhaps. If the deleted footage still exists, it would have to be physically rescued. The scene in Bear's surf shop was, indeed, slightly longer (and contained profanity) but it embellished the film's mythos that Matt, Jack and Leroy were the Big Names for whom life was different. The key moment that was cut is when Bear (per the script) "puts his arm around [Matt] and leads him over to the wall -- above their heads hangs the bear's silver star and a photograph of the Bear as a bearded combat-weary Marine." Bear tells Matt, "Before the Gods ever confer an honor upon a man -- " He tightens his grip on Matt's neck and glares at him -- "They test him." The scene ends as Matt "puts his hand on the great wooden board" and says, "Someday I'd like to ride this board," and Bear replies, "You'd have to earn it." My suspicion is that such dialogue got *beep* at studio sneak previews, so the Warner Bros. brass prevailed upon Milius to cut it. (See also another fan's posting of the cut Big Wedndsday speech on this message board). For an intense career interview with Milius see my monograph in "Backstory 4" from the University of California Press (this isn't a plug; I don't make any royalties).
