Years ago, I remember an episode in which the team decided to try and make a record. They found some bargain basement company that promised to set them up and record a few of their songs. The place turned out to be a scam operation that took the players' money, closed up shop and skipped town.

Two things stand out. For one, after the record was cut, the team wanted to advertise. So they grabbed the student who was doing the morning announcements at school, and held him at bay (Coolidge?) while Thorpe grabbed the microphone and announced to the student body about their record. Just as he was about to give the name of the song, Thorpe said, "Hello Ms. Buchanen" - who had just walked into the room.

The other thing I remember is when the group went to check on the company they'd given their money too. The door was locked. So they lifted up Salami to look through the window that was over the door. The office was in an office building of some sort.

I've got the first two seasons on DVD. I've watched all but the last eight of season two. I've checked TV.COM for descriptions of season three's episodes. Not everyone has a description. But the ones that don't, don't appear to be related to the episode I remember.

Does anyone have any idea which episode this is? Thanks!


Vanity Fare-Season Three


Yea That episode their singing sounded like sh_t . Stoney Jackson could not sing to save his Mother!


THis is an example of an episode that is played as pure comedy- but I found it very entertaining. This show was one of the first real hour long dramadies. Every episode that I've watched on DVD has something in it that made me laugh out loud. Even the lesser episodes have very good elements to them. I would consider this a lesser show, but by no means the worst. IF Your Numbers Up Get it Down is worse but there's good humor in that one too.


While we're asking about season 3 episodes...which one had Thorpe telling a kid, "you know, the problem with acting tough all the time is that there's always somebody a lot tougher."?

anybody know? thanks....


The X-mas episode-Craig T Nelson plays a priest in that one and the kid is Shavar Ross (Dudley in Diff'rent Strokes)
