MovieChat Forums > The White Shadow (1978) Discussion > Anybody else really enjoy the episode We...

Anybody else really enjoy the episode We're In The Money?

Like I've said in other posts this show was before my time and I hadn't seen this episode until it aired on the YES network this week which I have to stress once again how grateful I am that that network is airing episodes of this show. Anyway, I really enjoyed this episode. I thought it was going to be lame like that Airball episode was but I found it to be very funny and entertaining. I loved how Thorpe would not stop gambling because he kept on thinking his luck would change and how at the end Goldstein found that wallet but the coach made the players turn it back in. I also liked how the coach was not as tough on the guys as he could have been when they snuck out to go to the casino. Anyway, this was an episode I really liked and I haven't seen too much discussion of it anywhere else so just wanted to see what others thought of it.


I haven't seen that episode in about 10 years but I remember I loved the episode. Ofcourse being an occassional gambler myself it was fun to watch. What you saw is typically how a naive person that's never gambled before would gamble. You're right the coach kinda let them off the hook about sneaking out like that. I get the feeling he understood though, but was just dissapointed because their poor judgment cost them the game. I'm looking forward to watching the series again. It's been awhile
