
1. What school did Carver beat to give Reeves his first coaching win?

2. Who is the only "add-on" player ever to enter in a game and score a basket in an episode? (Ex. Randy Judd, Jeff Simpson, Mac Wade, Bobby Magnum, etc.)

3. What NBA team was Reeves hoping to make a comeback with in "A Silent Cheer"?


1) Newton (but that Newton club was at the bottom of their division)

2) Jeff Simpson (Watch behind you, Jeff, behind you!)

3) Portland Trailblazers (I wish all it took was a 'one on one' game to decide whether they'd allow you to come back!)

Right back at ya:

1. Reese was normally #24, but for a couple episodes he wore another one...what was it?

2. What two players had to take the lie detector test after Thorpe got shot by the police?

3. What two main character actors actually had their fathers guest star in an episode?


good stuff...thought you might say Thomas on #2 (shoot the ball, Thomas!), but, we never saw his shot go in.


1. #12, once in "Spare the Rod", any others?
2. Coolidge and Franklin
3. Kevin Hooks' (Thorpe) father Robert played a HS teammate of Reeves in "Reunion (Part 1)"...character's name was Dr. Luther Tucker...and Erik Kilpatrick's (Jackson) dad Lincoln played Rev. Jackson in "Here's Mud in Your Eye" in season 1.

Try these:

1. Who wore these uni #'s?...45, 15, 31, 11, 34
2. Which Carver players dunked in games?
3. Match the mother's names with the players: Elizabeth, Wanda, Roberta, Reba


I can see you know your stuff!

To answer you:


Dunks: Coolidge, Franklin, Rutherford

Reba-Reese (I think)

How about these...

*What season 3 regular actually guest starred in Season One?

*The kid who OD'd with Hayward's cousin.....when did he show up guest starring again?

*What guest star had been a playmate?


Alrighty then...

Correct on the uni #'s...I'll take your word for it on the season 3's.

Those are the only dunkers I can recall, too...Cool dunked several times...I remember Franklin dunking in a Carver loss...Rutherford had a flying two-hander in that exhibition game against the prison inmates in the ep where Thorpe got shot...

All mom's names are have to look at the closing credits for "Cross-Town Hustle" to find Reese's mom.

Now, your answers:

1. Larry Flash Jenkins (Wardell Stone in season 3), guest star in "Spare the Rod"-we don't go for no white teachers beatin' up on no brothers, OK, brother?

2. Had to dig for this one...he guested in "Mister Hero" (Wardell's prime episode), his name was Bryan O'Dell.

3. Roseanne Katon, Coolidge's girl Diana...she was Playmate in 1976, I does something that looks like that go with something that looks like Cool?

Way to make me work, man! may get me on season 3 stuff, since, apparently, we're not gonna see them on DVD anytime soon...any leads on how I can get those episodes?

Here's some for ya:

1. Which female WS guest star was once married to Werner Klemperer (Klink on Hogan's Heroes) and what Season 2 episode did she appear in?

2. Sybil's ex played a recurring character on what CBS sitcom? and what character was he on that sitcom?

3. And while we're on the subject...what female WS season 2 guest star appeared with Sybil's ex on that same sitcom?

Good stuff, indeed...


Good stuff. You may also wanna test your Shadow knowledge at


Ok, Librachashjesu....I'm about making somebody work!

Gotta admit...I didn't know #1...looked it up...Kim Hamilton who played Jeff Simpson's mom in the "Silent Cheer" episode...."Dreams die hard? Well, you're lookin at kicking and screaming right here."

#2 and #3: Might be debatable...I'm assuming you mean "Good Times" as Theodore "Teddy" Wilson played the unforgettable "Sweet Daddy." If this what you meant....there were NUMEROUS "Good Times" guest stars who also guest starred on "The White Shadow."

However, and I'm not certain which station this was on (as I was too young to remember it on anything but syndication)...I suppose it also could've been the show, "That's My Mama." Both Teddy Wilson and Joan Pringle were on that show as well as other guest stars who also guested on The White Shadow.

I've only got one question today....and anybody is free to answer if they know...



#1, you're right on...I've always thought Kim had a sexy voice...Klink was a lucky fellow.

#2, yes, I'm talking about Sweet Daddy...

#3, OK, I was a little too vague on that one, I admit...remember Sweet Daddy's lady Savannah Morgan (JJ hit her car)? She was played by Beverly Hope Atkinson, who played the bad-attitude baseball coach's wife in "Out at Home" in season 2...

Hey, swinters, thanks for playing...I'll have more later...

Maybe we can start a groundswell to get season 3 released!


OK, got a few more...

1. Reeves' apartment #?

2. Uniform number worn by Jeff Simpson.


No clue on the apt. #, but Simpson's uniform was number 14.
If I remember correctly, he's the only add on that ever scored an actual basket in a game....

Right back at ya:

What was Randy Judd's number? And what was Coolidge's number as a Globetrotter (dream sequence)?

HINT: The same number


Correct, sir...and, yes, he is the only add-on who scored in a game.

Reeves FIRST apartment # (before he had to either buy it or move in Season 3) was 10720

Was Judd's # 5?

Here's one for you...whatever became of Bill and Katie after Season 2?


Hey swinters, just watched the Judd episode...his number was #2.

So, what happened to Bill and Katie? Yes, there is a definitive answer...


On Randy's jersey #:

Did you guys notice that the #2 was really large and maybe even a different typeset than the rest of hte team on Randy's jersey and that there was no number on the back?


I did notice that and wonder the same thing!

That Coolidge Globetrotter jersey didn't look 100% authentic compared to the real thing either...

As for Bill and Katie....I don't reacall it ever being truly explained, however, if you watch the third season Christmas episode, Craig T. Nelson (Father Phil) asks if Oakland is treating Bill and Katie I'm going to go with:

Moved to Oakland?


In that same episode, Reeves, apparently facing the prospect of being alone at Christmas AGAIN, calls Katie on the phone and asks, "How's North Dakota?"...apparently Bill took a job there.

Name the models of the four cars Salami attempts to reposess in "Car Repo" (he did three with Vitaglia and one with Coolidge).


Yeah, but wasn't North Dakota the place they went to see Bill's grandmother?
And...didn't Reeves start to say something to Katie over the phone about them "getting in" only to be interrupted by Katie because of carolers outside or something?

As for the cars...I must be slipping...I can only think of the blue Cadillac they went to jail for and the Mercedes-Benz with the kid in the back seat...can't think of the first one or the old lady car...

I'm sure you know....tell me.

Question for you librachashjesu...

Who are you on Carverchat?

And for trivia...

Stone was interested in Denise in the "Mr. Hero" episode.
We see this girl who played Denise in two other episodes...which ones?


I'm Lucius Robinson on Carver Chat....

Still researching the cars...

I believe Denise was on "Globetrotters" in season 2; she was the girl Thorpe was flirting with before the team howled at Sybil in the hall...other one, I'll have to look up.

I know, I know, I should answer yours and my own before asking again, but I had to get this one out:

Name the only "players' parents" who made multiple appearances that were played by the same actor/actress (there were 4).

BONUS: name the only one of that category to appear in all 3 seasons (should be easy).


Actually the girl who played Denise was in "A Few Good Men" towards the end. It was she who told Reese that he'd been talking to her suicidal sister on the phone. She also had a small part in "Gonna Fly Now." She came in Buchanon's office to warn her there was a girl on the roof.

As for the parents...let's go with Coolidge's mom (Season 1-2...she was played by someone else in Season 3), Salami's dad, Gomez's mom and aunt, and Hayward's mom showed up twice (pilot and finale). I know she's not a "parent," but Goldstein's grandmother was there twice as well. The grandfather was played by somebody else in the finale.

As for all three seasons....none other than Mario Pettrino, Sr.
That's a great question!

I'll be back with more! It's getting hard to come up with new stuff!


Good deal...

"Parental figures" who made multiple appearances played by the same actor/actress:

(1) Salami's dad, Mario, Sr.-appeared in "The Great White Dope", "The Stripper", and "Car Repo", played by Robert Costanzo.
(2) Gomez' mom-appeared in "That Old Gang of Mine" and "The Hitter", played by Lupe Ontiveros (wouldn't it have been great to see her bust up the old man?).
(3) Hayward's mom, Roberta-appeared in "Pilot" and "A Day in the Life", played by Marilyn Coleman. The look of tender pride on her face when James got his job offer was priceless.
(4) Goldstein's grandmom, Ida-appeared in "Little Orphan Abner" and "A Day in the Life", played by Edna Reiss Marin.

Multiple appearances but played by different:

(1) Coolidge's mom, Elizabeth-played by Hilda Haynes in "Bonus Baby" and "Out at Home", played by someone else in "BMOC."
(2) Goldstein's grandad-funny how he appeared much more robust in "A Day in the Life" than in "Little Orphan Abner."

Other parental appearances: Reese-mom and dad in "Crosstown Hustle", Thorpe-mom and dad in "Artist", Jackson-dad in "Here's Mud in Your Eye", Salami-mom in "Car Repo"

Honorable Mention-Jackie Hayward ("whitey's a turkey!" "what's a den?" "can I have a white mustache?") appeared in all 3 seasons (Jonathan Ian).


Gomez's mom, Rosalita, (Lupe M. Ontiveros) also appeared in "The Offer"


Ooo, ooo, ooo, here's a good one...

Where did Wolfe Perry (Rutherford) play college basketball?
What NBA team drafted him?


College: Stanford

Wolfe was drafted by the Utah Jazz in the 5th round of the 1979 NBA Draft (89th overall)


Name the school that Carver played each season that Coolidge never played against.


I'm going to go with Keeler. I'm 95% sure on this. I know for a fact that in Season 1 and 2 ( 'Bonus Baby' and 'No Place Like Home') Coolidge did not play in the game. And the footage shot for the game in Season one was actually reused in Season 2. I'm going to assume (and this is off the top of my head) that they played Keeler in "Trial and Error" in Season Three, and as I recall Coolidge was supposedly injured.

One thing I will point out, though. In Season 2, Carver had to play Keeler in "The Death of Me Yet," and Coolidge did in fact play that game....which makes me wonder....anybody else?


"One thing I will point out, though. In Season 2, Carver had to play Keeler in "The Death of Me Yet," and Coolidge did in fact play that game....which makes me wonder....anybody else?"

That's correct. They beat Keeler 62-50 as a matter of fact.

But, I guess the question is still technically correct because it was the the only school Cool didn't play against in all three seasons.


Hey Lucious, I just realized I never responded with who I was on
My bad...I'm CleetusRice

Gotta go...some chick just took a dive off the roof at Carver High....


Hey, Cleetus, got any gorilla biscuits? I need 'em for my occasional attacks of I-Can't-Stand-Gym...

I always put my feet on the furniture at alcoholic mom says, 'where do you think you are, school?'

Alright, another question...Salami and Vitaglia were at the junkyard looking for what auto part when they got the car repo job?

reply're great man!

No gorilla biscuits....I can get them tomorrow for want some crystal? I got some real nice crystal....get ya a gram for 40 bucks....

As for your question...I believe the thermostat housing was cracked...they went down to the graveyard to see if they could dig up one....

By the way, Lucious, I'm looking to get hold of a think you could give me the dude's name?

My trivia question to you:

Give me the three names Coolidge and Franklin came up with for their three different dunks in the last scene of "A Day in The Life." Coolidge had two. Franklin had one.


Cool had the Felonious Assault, followed by Eddie's Disruptive Eruptive, and then...the Warren Coolidge Funk Dunk!

However, Rutherford topped them all...I'd call it the Former Stanford Cardinal who Rocked UCLA Now I'm Schoolin' Cool Damn I Am Jamm!

Hey, Cleetus, you slip Phil that stuff at the party? Cause I'm gonna pound your head until you tell the truth! And if you didn't do it, I'm gonna pound your head until you tell me who did! I'm gonna beat on you, cat, 'cuz you're dealin' death!

Alright, to you:

What school sent the letter that Mack Wade had trouble reading when Reeves confronted him about the biology test?


Man, Lucious, I never knew you were that crazy...

Nice job on the dunks!

As for Wade's school, off the top of my head I'm going to say the University of Arizona, although, I don't remember that for sure.

Back at ya...

When do we see Willie Jackson again (only he's playing another character) ?


Survey sez...bzzzzzzt! was Arizona State University.

Beany Williams appeared again in "Mister Hero", he asked Wardell for his autograph and asked if he should take Algebra or Earth Science...I mean, you famous and all...

Here's one...Mrs. Pettrino's first name?


"Look at my boys, Julie, huh, ain't they somethin'?"
"Mario, ya got the man comin' with the cement today rememba?"

Here's a trivia...just a question...

"Georgia on My Mind" episode...
Dream Sequence: (Here's what I think)
Reeves - A Priest (because of the clean way he ran/preached his program)
Buchanon - All naughtied up...and hot (subconscious...what Cool really thinks)
Science teacher - mad scientist type (Cool's reaction to this guy's discipline)
Salami and New York (representing The Blues Brothers)
Thorpe - Riverboat Gambler (I'll do it...for a mere 50% of the gross)

So...what's the deal with Mitchell and the rollerskates?


Dunno, disco roller skating was big in those days...Mitchell was the new fresh face...somethin' about somethin'!

Here's an ironic same actor/different role a la Beany Williams...Norman Alexander Gibbs played the guy who shot C.J. in season 2, then returned in "Mister Hero" as the cop on the scene when Stone "rescued" the lady (awwwww, man...awwwww, man)!

From Car Repo...

Pettrino: Ya know what you's guys got? Ya's got...chemistry!
Julie Pettrino: I thought they had that last year.

? License plate # of the Motel California?
