"You better stand CLEAR!!!"
All of the characters had their stellar scene but Coolidge was always the funniest because of his enormity. Great scene where Cool has is trying to purchase a large doll for his little sister at Christmastime and gets a job as Santa. With the suit in a bag, a few of the others walking home with him try to peek into what is in it and, not quite ready to explain, he explodes and they all jump back about 10 feet...also a great scene where Salami's car (the "Motel California") is overheated the street blocking another guy in, and the hothead still tries to bully Salami to get the car moving. Coolidge steps for as the "owner" of the car and the guy blathers away a quick "no problem" and evaporates. Also unforgettable in the scene where he operate the Coach's blender which looks like a toy in his hands.
EAT the fritos!!