MovieChat Forums > The White Shadow (1978) Discussion > Golf Episode............ ..

Golf Episode............ ..

I have an analysis of the golf episode........

-Just where exactly did Salami, Thorpe and Coolidge get clubs? They are shown walking in with them from the parking lot.
-3 kids from the ghetto who show up to play golf for the first time are not all going to hit darts off the first tee and without even taking a practice swing.
-the round itself should have been a ruckus, again never having played golf these 3 members of the Carver basketball team should have been all over the place (at least they let Thorpe miss his first 2 tee shots to make it real)
-the club member's daughter who Reeves was with should have been a keeper, by far the hottest date he ever had (and rich too!), I would love to know what the Coach did to blow that cause she never appeared again in any episode.
-Shouldn't that club member have at least suspected that the basketball players Reeves was bringing as guests were black? Let's see, a basketball coach in an LA Ghetto is not going to have an all WASP team.


Getting clubs, good question...

Watch the episode, the round WAS a ruckus, with them joyriding on the golf cart, Salami hitting multiple times to get out of the sandtrap, and various other shenanigans.

About Marjorie, Coach didn't blow that...he probably just didn't like her father...notice she was a lot more open you, I would have liked to have seen her in more episodes...definitely better than that buck-toothed science teacher he hooked up with toward the end of season 2.

Bob Beardsley probably assumed that since Reeves was an ex-NBAer, he coached at an uptown school with only white players...also, remember his brother-in-law was a member...he was an uptown dude, so Beardsley probably thought Reeves was uptown as well.


"The buck toothed science teacher!" Classic. Wasn't that the Karate Kid's mom?

I'm a little upset we never got to see Sally Adams the reporter (from season one) again myself.


Oh, no...KK's mom was Randee Heller, who was in "The Stripper" from season 2...she was a hottie, complete with the northern accent...

The buck-toothed science teacher was Fran Myers (Kathy Plunkett), who we met for the first time in "Salami's Affair"...I think she introduced herself as the biology teacher...she helped console Reeves after CJ got shot...and, she wanted Reeves to go on a summer trip with her to Greece in "A Few Good Men"...Reeves balked, so she "threatened" to take one of the English(?) teachers with her, and Reeves decided to go.


Waiter at golf club: Would you like roast beef a'jous?

Salami:Thats how goldstein must eat it.................classic


Actually went more like this...

Salami: I'll take the...roast beef "au joos?" that how Goldstein eats it?
Thorpe: No, I think he eats it raw.

You're right...classic.

Bob Beardsley was a high-class, racist dope...


the waiter at the golf club was played by uncle ruckus from the boondocks.


Randy Heller was the hottest action the coach had and even when she was Daniel-san Mother she was even more Hot . I wanted her over all the girls!


The woman who Reeves dates in the golf episode was hot if I remember correctly. Her daughter was even hotter. They hooked her up with Salami. Why not one of the black players? I guess they weren't willing to tackle interracial romance on that show.


The actress was Simone Griffith, and HOT she was! I only saw her elsewhere in Death Race 2000 (great nude scenes) and an episode of Three's Company, but I always thought she was THE hottest actress of the 70's. I think that was her younger sister tho' that they hooked up with Salami, not her daughter. And the show did indeed tackle interracial romance - when Thorpe fell for a while girl with a "reputation" and her father objected to them dating.

Thorpe had a good line after meeting the father, about how the father didn't know Thorpe was going to be "of the colored persuasion" LOL.


reeves didnt do too bad with the ladies...the stripper, the chick in his apt when thorpe crashed in tellin him he had VD, the cop, the shrink for CJ, sally adams, only salami rivals coach in volume...


There was also the teacher who'd had a breakdown prior to coming to Carver, and the nun he fell for before he realized she was a nun.

As for Bob Beardsley being surprised at the players being black, he didn't know Carver was a ghetto school; he'd asked Ken if the kids had to wear blazers to class, if he was he golf coach, and assumed Carver was a prep school. He was such a snob it never occurred to him that this would be a public high school or the kids would be black or poor.

I've wondered too how it affected the coach's brother-in-law's status as a country club member when the coach confronted Beardsley?


They did tackle interracial romance in season 1 A LeGrande finale(S1 finale).The season was over and the team started a singing group. The music teacher wanted them to perform at the next school dance and the team took their singing gig seriously. Thorpe started dating a white girl in which Thorpe skip singing practice. As a result the team kicked Thorpe out of the group, not for racial reasons but for the fact the singing gig was important to the team. The only person who had a problem with the IR dating was the girl's father.


one-night-stand lagrande


You can easily rent clubs at any course.

He was a basketball coach at an inner city school. That rich woman would never have married a guy like Reeves.
