MovieChat Forums > Prisoner (1979) Discussion > fave and least fave characters top 10

fave and least fave characters top 10

whats evreyones fave and least fave characters

my faves
1. rita the beater
2. bea
3. bobby mitchell hottt lol
4. craven alf from home and away
6. doreen
7. lizzie
10. daphnie pippa from home and away

1. georgie baxter bad actor
2. susie driscoll boring
3. nora boring
4.jim fletcher weird
5.nolene plain weird and scary lizzie wanabee
7.myra just couldnt take to her
8.ken pearce dont like him in prisoner or neighbours lou is equally annoying
9.nancy too posh
10. jessie just plain bad acting



yes i am i just found her annoying she was very good in somthing else though just ad in prisoner


Jock Stewart pure evil!

Rodney, what a plonker.



With so many characters its too hard to make a top 10. So I'll just list what comes to mind.

Erica Davidson
Vera Bennett
Angela Adams (Angel)
Reb Kean
Pixie Mason

Lyn Warner
Lou Kelly
Marlene Warren (Rabbit)
Bea Smith (Yes, she was too bossy. And wanted her way over anything else most of the time)

¸.· ¸.·´¨) Buffy Lives
(¸.·´ (_.·´*


Rita was my fave my a long way.

I liked loads of others but ones that first spring to mind are
The Freak, Joan
Reb Keane
Bea Smith


Lyn Warner
Marty Jackson when the officer


I don't have a love list, but I do have a hate list

Maxine Daniels
Pixie Mason
Kath Maxwell


My favourites were Lizzie Birdsworth, Vera Bennett and Chrissie Latham.
Least favourites were Judy Bryant, Marlene Warren, Lexi Patterson and the Barnhurst women (May, Willie, Daphne etc.)


wow, surprised no one mentioned Sandy Edwards, the only top dog in the history of the show who managed to bring ratings up. While she, Kate and Marie fought for power, Bea Smith and company took a backseat (Val Lehman and the actress playing Doreen were doing a play) and the ratings rose, which was a big shock to producers, as they feared the absence of Bea would hurt ratings. Had the actress portraying Sandy not been pregnant she would have remained a main character. In fact, her exit from the show was left open in case she decided to return after her daughter was born.


1. Bea Smith

2. Myra Desmond

3. Sandy Edwards

4. Marie Winter

5. Lizzie Birdsworth

6. Kate Peterson

7. Erica Davidson

8. Joan Furgeson

9. Reb Keane

10.Lou Kelly


1. The chef that married Joyce. AWFUL character, constantly scowling and treating the inmates like children.

2. Lexi Patterson. Supposed to be a character to root for, but I rooted against her, cheering when Kath Maxwell took her down defending herself.

3. Lurch Jenkins. One of the worst ideas producers and writers had was making this character one of the main inmate characters. Hideous, bad actress, boring storylines, and another one I rooted against. So bad I started hating Rita Conners for being best friends with her.

4. Rita Conners. Started out brilliantly but once she was buddies with Lurch she lost all credibility as a tough woman.

5. Judy Bryant. Started off loving Judy, despite her fondness for whining and playing victim. But once she started the halfway house storyline I despised her. She turned into a wannabe Bea Smith, but treated her residents horribly. Was disgusting in how she treated her staff, expecting them to cater to women, despite not doing it herself, even when being threatened with broken bottles.

Yay, more characters to love than hate!
"I don't do scared." -Yvonne Atkins


My faves (not necessarily who I'd invite around for sunday lunch!).

1. Nola McKenzie
2. Bea Smith (queen)
3. Myra Desmond (not really nowadays, but when I first saw the show, one I was always rooting for)
4. The Freak (great!)
5. Cass Parker
6. Vera Bennett (vinegar tits)
7. Pixie Mason
8. Lizzie

Not so favourites...

1. Lou Kelly
2. Phyllis Hunt
3. Chrissy Latham
4. Joyce Barry/Pringle & her husband
5. Margo Gaffney

That'll do.


Lizzie was the best character by FAR!! Especially when she had a drink in her.

Chrissie Latham
Noelene Burke
Margo Gaffney
Lurch Jenkins
The Freak
Judy Bryant
Po Face
Mr Faulkner
Lou Kelly


Maxine Daniels a LOT
Doreen Anderson
Jock Stewart
Mr Cruickshank (eugh his accent)
Nola Mackenzie
Bobbie Mitchell
