MovieChat Forums > Lillie (1979) Discussion > The British upper classes

The British upper classes

As portrayed in literature, on TV and in movies, it always makes me wonder how England came to rule half the world. The English upper class is often portrayed as largely populated by lazy layabouts whose major preoccupation, for the men, is going to their clubs, content to live off the wealth and estates earned by their ancestors. And women whose only concern is marrying thier daughters to someone with a sufficinet allowance. Edward Langtry said it all when faced with near bankruptcy in episode 2 said, "Work??? I'm a gentleman, gentlemen don't work," or words to that effect. How did a society that did not value the talents of anybody not born to the proper class ever get to where they did. It beats me.


The Empire was built and maintained by guys further down the social scale, who went out and built the colonies, and by middle-class entrepreneurs who made the Industrial Revolution happen. But far from wanting to overthrow the aristocratic parasites, they aspired to join their ranks. It's a puzzle.


Precisely how things are in the US now. The wealthy families have most of the money and do none of the work, while the working class and middle class pay most of the taxes.
Same system, different names.
