MovieChat Forums > The Uncanny Discussion > 3rd segment is crying out for Vincent Pr...

3rd segment is crying out for Vincent Price

I was looking forward to Donald Pleasance's contribution to the film. I like him in his usual roles but I felt that this was not quite the role for him. He isn't camp enough. The dialogue he used would have been so suited to Vincent Price. I can almost hear what Price's delivery would have sounded like as Donald Pleasance spoke. The 3rd segment was the weakest of this anthology. But with extra dialogue and with Vincent Price taking the role, this would have rounded off the anthology well I think.


Now that you mention, I can see Vincent Price in that role as well. Donald was good, but Vincent would've been equally good. The only complaint I have about this movie is that it was too short. It's very rare that I say that about any film because I have a tendency to have a low attention span and rush films to be over, but I found myself actually wishing this had a 4th segment. If it did have one, they should've cast Christopher Lee in a role somewhere because I felt like this would've been a perfect film for him to star in.

Burn, witch! Burn, witch! Burn! Burn! Burn!


Good. I thought perhaps others could picture Vincent Price in the 3rd segment. Very often these anthologies do have 4 segments. But the segments in 'The Uncanny' are longer than usual. I'm like you. I usually get fidgety after 80 minutes of a film. My ideal running time is anything between 80 and 90 minutes. So the 89 minute running time of this film is just within the limits for my liking.

I would have liked Christopher Lee in the film as well. But he seemed to have crossed over to sci-fi by then, away from the regular horror genre. He was busy as usual in 1977, at the time of this film, doing 4 movies that year. But I was glad to see him back in horror a few years later, with Peter Cushing and Vincent Price in 'House of the Long Shadows.'
