Wouldn't involve George W. Bush
We don't have to worry about George W. Bush sacrificing his life. He spent the Vietnam War in the Texas Air National Guard and lived at home.
shareWe don't have to worry about George W. Bush sacrificing his life. He spent the Vietnam War in the Texas Air National Guard and lived at home.
shareAnd Obama was born in Kenya. Who cares!
shareI bet that 'Mr Big Liar' and war criminal wouldn't like this brave movie about truth and ideal. One cannot help but think about Bush Junior watching this story...
"Don't act, be !" (Kate Winslet)
Cheney's more the war criminal. Dubya was just the mildly vapid figurehead.
shareThe notion that this piece of anti-American garbage based on a lie about the Vietnam War is about "truth" is one of the most laughable things I've ever heard in my life. First off, General Dell is not a hero for the "truth" he is a deranged psychopath theatening the lives of billions of people so he can dictate his warped view of what the US government should do in its foreign policy (which in this case means kiss the Communist bloc's rear end and stop being tough against them). What's really ironic is that he is a far more evil figure than the Air Force General Lancaster played in "Seven Days In May" who tried to take over the US govenrment in a military coup yet this movie treats him as a hero. Only in the minds of some sophomoric leftist could a movie be made presenting this nice exercise in Orwellian doublespeak.
Of course if we wanted to make something more realistic about someone irate over the truth about Vietnam being covered up, we could focus on how the US Congress, led by the likes of George McGovern, Teddy Kennedy, Mike Mansfield and all the other Democrats who voted for the Tonkin Gulf Resolution in the first place, betrayed our ally South Vietnam by cutting off the aid they needed to maintain their fight after the Paris Peace Accords were signed in 1973. It is one of the greatest lies of the Left that Vietnam was an "unwinnable" war when in fact, when American troops left in January 1973 they had arguably *succeded*. But the endurance of a non-communist South Vietnam wouldn't have fit the mantra of the anti-war movement and so when North Vietnam started violating those agreements our dishonorable Congress decided to betray our ally for the sake of expediency. It wasn't the Viet Cong that marched into Saigon, it was the North Vietnamese army doing what they COULDN'T do in years passed with a conventional Korea style invasion. And then after their conquest we had the tragedy of the Boat People as hundreds of thousands preferred to drown in the South China Sea rather than welcome the "liberators" from Hanoi, and next door in Cambodia, the Communists of the Khmer Rogue engaged in a Holocaust to rival Hitler's. That's the real dirty secret truth about Vietnam that a pathetic idiot like Robert Aldrich wouldn't have known even after it bit him in the rear end.
Well, well, I hope you feel better now ?
"Don't act, be !" (Kate Winslet)
The person who rambled about Americans doing the right things in Vietnam is a well-known internet troll. IMDb is one of several interactive web sites that the troll has used for going on eight years -- at least. Click below to read a March 2006 diatribe from the same troll, who is an evangelical Christian. You can recognize his semantics and phraseology. They match most of his IMDb posts.
http://lookingcloser.org/2006/03/dont-come-knocking-full-of-christian- content/#comment-96022
I also alerted people about him in reply to his use of the word "nutcase" in another recent post in this thread. Pot, kettle, black. Put him on your IMDb "ignore list."