What A Turkey!

6.8?! And almost universally glowing reviews and comments on this site?

What are you people smoking?

This is one large turkey, on almost every level.

- Camerawork is not something I generally pay all that much attention to. But you can't escape it here: the person behind the camera doesn't know what they're doing.

- Sound. Same thing. At many points in the film, the sound is so off, that it feels like one of those old Japanese films with horrible dubbing.

- The pacing. Just horrible. Awkward pauses all over the place.

- The acting. Awful.

I could go on and on, but 5 minutes is all I'm devoting to this.

I was so surprised at the reaction to this loser of a movie on this site that I actually checked three times to make sure that I was seeing the same movie!

Incomprehensible that the director of the masterpieces Dirty Dozen and The Longest Yard produced this yuckfest.

I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man with no sole. ~ Ancient Disco Proverb


Well, for me I don't smoke anything but I will always be much more attached to such a grave theme - eternal political lies, parralel between Vietnam and second Gulf War in matter of criminal dupery - instead of technical snobbery.

Substance before form - but one must prefer to think about stories instead of making futile critic. Do you ?


"Don't act, be !" (Kate Winslet)


>>> Substance before form - but one must prefer to think about stories instead of making futile critic. Do you ?

Ah, yes. Standard imdb user. Disagreement immediately leads to insults.

It should be against the law to use "LOL" unless you really did LOL!


To be fair, your second sentence is "What are you people smoking?" - which, while it may not be a direct insult, is also certainly not a compliment towards people whose subjective opinion about a film you disagree with.

It's not like you offer anything of substance that deserves response. You thought the acting and the pacing was horrible - a perfectly valid opinion, but there's not really anything to respond to there. Clearly other people think the acting and pacing are fine (I personally thought the script was the worst aspect, but the pacing was actually quite effective. But, once again, just an opinion.)

To put it another way: Physician, heal thyself.


Wow. You are spot on about this flick. The actors are some of Hollywood's titans but with lousy direction and a script that is terrible, there was no way that this film could be salvaged.

I believe this film is what they called a 'megaturd' in the '70's.
