MovieChat Forums > Star Wars (1977) Discussion > That was a named I have not been called ...

That was a named I have not been called since before you were born!

Luke was about 8 years old long after he was born... wow he forgot he was called Obi Wan after Luke was born! maybe he was going through dementia ?? all those saber fights were not good


That was a named I have not been called since before you were born!
posted 7 days ago by Adster (233)
Luke was about 8 years old long after he was born... wow he forgot he was called Obi Wan after Luke was born! maybe he was going through dementia ?? all those saber fights were not good

Would you care to provide some context to help us understand what you're going on about here?

This sentence in particular is unintelligible: "Luke was about 8 years old long after he was born" but your entire post lacks the context to give it any meaning whatsoever.


That's not exactly what he said, and the details are very important in "A New Hope" dialogue.

There were two things he said:

1. "Obi-Wan Kenobi? Obi-Wan. Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. A long time."

That's pretty vague. How much time is "a long time?" Is it a year, 10 years? We can't know what Ben considers to be a long time.

2. "I haven't gone by the name of Obi-Wan since, oh, before you were born."

Saying that he hasn't gone by that name means that he hasn't introduced himself to anyone as Obi-Wan and that this is not a name he chooses to use. But that line doesn't prevent someone from his past from using it. Bail knew him as Obi-Wan and continued to call him Obi-Wan. That truth does not contradict what Ben Kenobi said to Luke.
