Of course all this extremely sensible talk about the proper training of Jedi is all inference and conjecture, because Lucas didn't really put any of this stuff on screen. What he actually showed us was Luke having full-blown powers and calling himself a "Jedi" with about three days of known training, and Obi-Wan still being a Padwaman after 15-20 years at Jedi school.
But I do like to think that Jedi spent most of their school days learning what *not* to do with The Force, because we've seen both Luke and Rey make some pretty big blunders when floundering around trying to figure out what to do with their newfound powers. If The Jedi Of Old had any sense, they'd try to minimize damage from youthful mistakes, and keep the little bastards from doing any harm until they had enough training to do it right.
I like to think of it this way: If I'm right about Lucas's intentions, the difference between a proper Jedi and an untrained Force prodigy like Luke is like... the difference between a good board-certified surgeon and a good army medic. If you take a bullet the army medic may well be able to save your life, but he or she will do so without the surgeon's years of training in anatomy, physiology, types of surgery and their probable outcomes, experience in surgery and knowledge of likely outcomes, peer-reviewed research materials, etc. I mean you're alive either way, but the good surgeon has a hell of a lot more understanding what they're doing and why.