MovieChat Forums > Star Wars (1977) Discussion > Are light sabers really good weapons?

Are light sabers really good weapons?

For Jedi, I mean. If you were a Jedi, wouldn't you* want to carry a blaster* in addition to your light saber?

Because yes, a light saber is very useful in a Jedi's hands, it can deflect blaster bolts and cut through armor plating and you can flip it around while looking too cool for words. But it sucks as an offensive weapon, you can only use it offensively at close range if you're willing to get in close and grapple one on one with your foe. Which wouldn't be the first choice for someone who isn't big and strong, like say... Leia. Who had Force abilities all along, but apparently never learned the light saber, I don't suppose she ever did enough fighting to get expert with it, and face it, in the hands of someone small and not athletic, a light saber is useless unless they're a grand master level expert.

*goddamn autocorrect!


Seems like the ideal weapon for the Jedi, since they are only supposed to use their powers for “knowledge and defense, never for attack” (Yoda).


If the Jedi followed that rule literally, they'd be drummed out of the order if they actually ever won a fight.

So we must assume that's more of a guideline than a rule...



It's true, by the end of the prequels they were keeping peace by waging galactic wars.

I never liked the Jedi.


You'd think a fancy shmancy hi tech weapon like a lightsabre would have a few knobs and buttons on it ...
you know to adjust length ,power , colour (just for laughs) , then you could turn it right down and use it to slice bread.



Well, maybe they really do have all these settings! It's just that the movies only showed them being used in combat, and what we saw was the standard "duel" setting, and the various fillmmakers have completely ignored the issue of how bread was sliced.

Personally, I think using a light saber would be a great way to make toast. Do it right and you'd get a lovely hot crispy edge, and the bread would still be soft in the middle.



well , its an elegant weapon , from a more civilised age .


Not as clumsy or random as a blaster, perhaps?


It's not the weapon, it's the person using the weapon.


Only for Jedi for all the reasons you point out. The average Joe isn't going be able to block blaster rounds with it and would probably end up with an accidental self-injury. Also it would totally blind you if you were fighting in a dark place.


Two excellent points!

I can believe that someone with weapons training can do what Finn did in TFA, pick it up and use it like a regular sword, without either doing anything impossible like blocking blaster bolts or frying his own fingers off. During daylight.


"Because yes, a light saber is very useful in a Jedi's hands, it can deflect blaster bolts"

But can it deflect a load of buckshot?


Good point!

I bet you have to study light sabers for 900 years like Yoda, to be able to deflect buckshot.


