

Snoke was still working his way up the ladder during A New Hope. He's the stormtrooper who bumps his head.


No WAY! Snoke was MUCH too smart and devious person to be a grunt stormtrooper!

He was working in Palpatine's mail room, desperately hoping to work his way up to apprentice Sith.


I love the idea of Palpatine having a mail room, ghost writers answering letters from his fan club.




Snoke was then a girl known as Camie Loneozner and a "friend" to Luke Skywalker, however Snoke's scenes were deleted.

He's also in chapter 2 playing the part of Padmé's sister Sola Naberrie, attempting to befriend Anakin I bet.

Snoke's scenes were also deleted from this movie. He may have been in Empire too, but I've not watched the deleted scenes yet!

