
From someone who has seen the full uncut German language version of this film: Is it all it's cracked up to be? Is the sex really that bad and all? Is it worse than Pretty Baby? Also, as a cinephile is this film worth tracking down just on artistic merrits or is this really just an excuse to see Lara naked?

PS: After doing some research I found this site that offered a complete collection of Lara's nude scenes: I guess if you are on this board just to see those nude scenes then you can get them there. I haven't actually boughten anything from the site so it could be all trash, but if that's what your into then there is the site for it. It seems they also have videos of other teen nudity in films. Again, I haven't actually used the site myself, I just thought it would be nice to offer some people on this board the opportunity to see the scenes. For myself, I just want to see the film because I'm a fan of European cinema.



anybody who just watches the film for its nudity is indeed missing the point of the film. having gone through a hard adolescence i can relate to alot in the film, unlike alot of american films, this film is brutally honest about the adolescent time period of cruelty, lust, and betrayal that young teens go through. If i would have seen this film at 12 or 13 i think it could of helped me get through that time period more efficiently. I do hope your not one of the people watching this film just for the nudity, if you are, you have completely missed the point of the film.


I agree with everything said above.

This movie deals with important topic and does that well (no, it's not a masterpiece, but a brave movie that analyzes all kinds of relations between kids (though posters here concentrate on sexual ones), and especially focuses on bullying.

You must know that in late 70's when it was made child nudity was not a big deal, it was a normal content of movies, including typical children movies and fairy tales, and nude child was as normal and legal object for photographers as a flower, animal, portrait or nude picture of any age, sport event, sunset, cloud etc. So the age of the actors in the movie was only a small scandal, it was not much more that a weird eccentricity, good for commercial effect (as anything else that makes people talk about a movie), something that producers didn't (have to) hide but emphasized it. They probably never thought that a time will come when watching this movie be will a peril, not only to lead someone to jail, but to label a mark, a stigma on his forehead that would disable him to lead normal life ever after.

It would be better (but hardly possible) if a person could watch this movie without reading all the stuff that builds prejudices, and aggravates finding the real story and message of the movie.

On the other hand, if someone starts informing about a movie with questions about nudity... maybe, kalvinharp, we are adressing our replies on a wrong thread.
