Similar films....
name the films you like that are similar to this, or have the same 'images' in them like the girls etc - i can think of the hamilton movies, what about you?
sharename the films you like that are similar to this, or have the same 'images' in them like the girls etc - i can think of the hamilton movies, what about you?
shareIf you by words "similar" or "images" mean nudity, then you can compare Spielen wir Liebe and Hamilton movies. However, there are not many other contents that could bind these movies. Hamilton's movies are easy watching love stories, sometimes on the edge of comedies, erotic but light years away from 70's German movies that tried to make us believe they are "erotic" and "comedies". Unfortunately, while Hamilton is a brilliant photographer, he didn't manage to create in his movies the mood that he developed in photos. "Spielen wir Liebe" is a hard watching drama with very little love, because the characters are old enough to be cruel and violent and not old (or better to say mature, because some people can be mature very early, and some never) enough to feel true love. And, again unlike Hamilton who is famous for the beauty of girls in his photos, "Spielen wir Liebe" is also filmed very beautifully, but only when showing nature. There is not much beauty in the characters, there is no romance, and unlike intense eroticism in Hamilton's nudes, nudity in "Spielen wir Liebe" is mostly unerotic (and it is supposed to be that way considering the plot!). There is more erotic in one single scene of "Ronja Rövarsdotter" than in whole "Spielen wir Liebe" - but Ronja is a movie about love, friendship and devotion, and shows the completely opposite side of childhood.
And back to your question, it all depends on what do you expect when searching for similarity.
This movie kinda made me remember "Sweet Movie" and "Á Mà Soeur"
I didn't eat for three days so I could be lovely.