Sorry, I love B-Movies, specially B-Movie horror but...
...this film was the biggest waste of a good idea I have ever seen. Even as far as the supposed atmosphere and so on. Where was it?! It was practically bloodless too. I hate talking about a film of such an era like this, but I was so disappointed when I actually got this on DVD. Such a shame.
I love Zombie Flesh Eaters (Zombi 2) and Zombie Holocaust and even Creeping Flesh, but this was such a let down.
That having been said, I would still rather watch this anytime than 'I Know What you Dawson Last Urban Jeepers Creek' where it is all tit5 and no real horror. You know, the movies where that idiot who plays Pacey on D.Creek is the alternative guy who gets killed, but was initially a suspect.
"'re gonna look pretty funny trying to eat corn on the cob... With no *beep* teeth!!!"