MovieChat Forums > Shock Waves (1977) Discussion > Did this air on USA a lot?

Did this air on USA a lot?

As a kid I grew up on horror and I watched a lot of cheesy horror on USA network. There was a movie me and my bro watched about zombies coming out of the ocean. I think they were scuba divers like in this. Anyway, it was a cool movie that freaked me out and I have yet to figure out what it was. So did this come on USA?


LOL..I just saw this movie on Netflix streaming, and I was instantly reminded of seeing it as a kid on I believe "USA Up All Night" when it was hosted by Gilbert Gottfried.


haha Yes! That's where my sister, and I watched it also. USA Saturday Nightmares -

USA Saturday Nightmares is also where I saw this movie as a kid. - I know how you feel. It took me years to finally figure out what the name of both these films were. I would always try and explain it to people, and no one would know what I was talking about.

I wish they still had shows like that now...
