He acts like a douchebag to both Stephanie and Anette (Stephanie wasn't perfect either, but the way Tony acted was really over-the-top); especially Anette who he not only calls a *beep* but he doesn't even prevent the rape on her which he had every chance to stop!
As much as I like the movie, one problem I have with it is that I'm not quite on Tony's side even in the end. He acted like an unlikeable prick in pretty much the entire movie.
I agree with you, but you do understand that Tony and his friends are all 19 years old? They all have know manners and probably barely graduated high school, they are from the streets, did you expect Tony to be studying for the SAT's? The kid lives with his family and works a minimum wage job in a paint store, if he had acted nice to women, his friends and family the film wouldn't work. They were trying to show you that by the end Tony finally figured out that he had to change his ways.
It's Brooklyn, acting nice will get U eatin up alive! He had enough in life to force the change to a NEW life, in the next film, "Stayin alive", even his mom said, "Don't ever apologize for your attitude, it get youse outta here!" True, that I never liked Tony as a person because his attitude sucked and he was such a hard a s s just like his old man but he reacted to everybody dumping on 1 another in life.
Spoiler alert for them spoil sports out there! Y'all like spoiled milk, stop crying over it!
Read Roger Eberts review...he mentions the fact that Tony and his ilk treat women just like all of the men they know, crappy..his father is a good example.
Some of the most decent people in the world are from working-class backgrounds; not all are uncouth functional illiterates with the vocabulary of a 4th grader. And Brooklyn or any other seemingly rough area won't always get you eaten alive if you're kind or courteous!
That's the point of the film. Tony's family is mean to him so he's mean to his friends. That guy in Stephanie's apartment used her so she's a bitch to Tony. Tony doesn't want a relationship with Annette so Annette uses Double J and Joey to get back at him (pretty much backfires in her face however) and everyone is mean to Bobby.
"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine