The condom scene

When Tony replies by saying "oh Jesus" are we supposed to connect that he meant "oh Jesus do you really think I have any interest in f-cking you"? or was he trying to look out for Annette? You know to make sure she didn't become the group slut like Stephanie became the office slut?

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Well...I think he had no true interest in having sex with her, probably largely due to how desperately she was always after him despite the fact that he didn't like her in that way. I would like to think that some small part of him was trying to stop her from being so easy but his character was so shallow and selfish in this department that I rather doubt he would try to do anything so valiant and if he did I don't know that he would go about it by asking her if she wants to be a "c v n t" or a nice girl. Maybe I'm wrong but that's my take.

"Why couldn't the monkey arrange this from INSIDE the garbage can?"


Yeah pretty much everyone in this movie was a jerk, Tony was however one of the few decent characters (he and his brother are the only two who aren't complete a$$holes to each other) so I thought there might have been a chance he was looking out for Annette, that makes sense considering later when Joey announces that Annette is going to give "everyone a piece of snatch pie" Tony tries to pull her away, and then earlier he pulled Stephanie away from Pete. Part of me thinks that Tony was trying to save both of them from becoming c-nts (although it may have been a little too late for Stephanie).

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


But these people all grew up in the same neighborhood..they knew each others parents, siblings..went to the same school..if she had brothers, they would get just don't do that.


Stephanie was neither a c-nt nor a slut.

"What race are you? If you don't tell me I'll just...assume the worst."


Sorry but Stephanie was both

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine



"What race are you? If you don't tell me I'll just...assume the worst."


Her entire objective pretty much the whole movie was to make herself feel good by making Tony feel like a loser. She was so insecure about herself that she had to belittle other people, and as for the slut comment, the only reason she made it as far as she did was she whored herself out to her co-workers. So yes my original statement stands.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


If doing something selfish and hurtful makes her a c-nt, then nearly everyone in this movie is a c-nt. Tony, Joey, Double J, Tony's dad, Tony's mum, Stephanie's boss...

And sleeping with a guy does not make her slut (what happens in the film to support your theory that she had others?). "Slut" is a bullsh!t concept anyway. It's designed to make girls feel bad for having sex. Unless something illegal or adulterous is going on, I don't pass judgment on who or why grownups fvck.

"What race are you? If you don't tell me I'll just...assume the worst."


Yeah pretty much everyone in the movie is a c-nt, that's the point of it. Tony's family is mean to him so Tony is mean to his friends, Stephanie is mean to Tony so therefore Tony is mean to Annette, Joey and Double J used Annette, everyone used Bobby, Bobby used his girlfriend, that guy from Stephanie's office used her, etc. Sounds like you didn't understand the movie very well.

What made Stephanie the worst c-nt in my opinion is that she put on this bitchy, self-righteous attitude and put Tony down for not being smart when in reality she wasn't smart (hell she didn't even know that Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare) herself, the only reason she got as far as she did was because she put out. That's it, if she kept her legs closed she would have been fired from her job and wouldn't be living in Manhattan, you know the very thing she loved to brag about. I am not judging Stephanie for putting out, that's her business, if she wants to be the office tramp then good for her, what I did mind was her hypocrisy, thinking she was better than Tony and his friends when in reality she wasn't such a great person.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Sounds like you didn't understand the movie very well.

I understood the movie just fine. "Everybody's dumping on everybody", etc. Just making sure you're not using that gendered insult on Stephanie, and only on Stephanie...

Again, you're talking about her like she's the office bicycle, when (as far as I can see) she slept with one guy. The older guy who was very good at pretending to know everything; pretending to be her "stairway to the stars".

Stephanie was very mean to Tony at first. She acted like she was better than him, and I disliked her. But I- unlike some- was able to look beyond that, and see how scared and insecure she was. She clearly liked Tony as a friend. Maybe more before he tried to rape her. Some of my favorite scenes are just her smiling at him. Like when we first see her dancing in 2001 with her loser boss, and Tony mouths "who's that guy?". Or when she tries her "we're from different worlds" speech on him, but can't keep a straight face. Or when he's mad at her for not showing up at the club, and she goes "so what'd you come for, huh?" There is a genuine person underneath the pretension.

But if you don't look beyond the surface, I suppose all you'll see is a c-nt/slut/snotty bitch.

ETA: The only thing I really hate about Stephanie is her willingness to take a win she didn't earn. They were NOT as good as the black/Hispanic dancers.

"What race are you? If you don't tell me I'll just...assume the worst."


No the movie is all about the way people treat each other. Pretty much everyone in the movie except Tony's brother was a complete a$$hole. I found tony to be one of the less loathesome characters, I think in the end he was genuinely concerned about Annette and legitimately wanted to keep her from becoming the group slut. Tony should not have tried to force himself on Stephanie but I totally understand him being pissed at her after what she said, she flat out admitted to using him, and just wanted to make herself feel good.

In the final scene Stephanie did come out of her snobbish she'll a bit and did show some genuine concern for tony as a friend but her behavior throughout the rest of the film I find irredeemable. I don't like hypocrites she was not a better person than tony or his friends.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


She didn't sexually assault anyone, so she's a little better than them.

"What race are you? If you don't tell me I'll just...assume the worst."


She still used people which makes them just as bad if not worse. Face it, Tony is one of the more admirable characters in the movie (yeah I know that's not saying much).

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


 "Using" Tony to boost her self-esteem (and that was only part of the reason she hung out with him) is as bad as being a rapist? Good lord...

I love Tony. He was vulnerable and likable in a way that Stephanie was not for most of the movie. But he's also an a$$hole who sexually assaulted one friend and let the same happen to another (not that I blame him for Annette's decisions). I honestly think you judge Stephanie harshly because she's a woman, so her flaws are somehow worse in your eyes. You're too used to the male antihero. You don't know how to handle a flawed female character.

"What race are you? If you don't tell me I'll just...assume the worst."


Tony tried to stop Annette from putting out and he almost got beat up by Joey. And yes Tony was wrong to try and force himself on Stephanie, you will never hear me defend that, but I'm talking about the bigger picture. Tony legitimately wanted to get to know Stephanie for who she was and wanted a relationship with her. Stephanie on the other hand wanted to hang out with Tony so she could have someone to dump on. Just watch the scene in the coffee shop, Tony is trying his absolute hardest to keep the conversation going and be supportive of everything Stephanie is trying to do and all she does is belittle him and making him feel awkward and embarrassed. Then what got me again was when he helped her move he mentioned that he got fired and she didn't even care, if I were Stephanie I'd be like it's not worth it, go get your job back we can do this again some other day or I can find someone else to help me.

By the way saying that I'm being hard on Stephanie because she's a woman I find rather offensive.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


I just can't wrap my mind around your blind hatred of the character. She was mean to Tony at the start of their friendship (and she slept with her boss- the horror!) so that makes her as bad as all the homophobic, racist, sexist characters in the movie?

Whatever. Agree to disagree I guess.

"What race are you? If you don't tell me I'll just...assume the worst."


I don't have blind hatred towards her, if she was just a bitch then fine, the world is full of bitches, but what I hated about her was that she put Tony down and tried to make him feel like an idiot all because she was ashamed of herself. She put on this phony sophisticated act to make herself seem smarter and more classy than everyone else around her when the truth is she wouldn't have made it as far as she did if she had kept her legs closed. The movie was full of deplorable characters, that's the point and in my opinion Stephanie was the worst.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


Agree to disagree.

"What race are you? If you don't tell me I'll just...assume the worst."


If it means anything when we learned her backstory I did sympathize with her, but I didn't like how she projected her frustrations and personal drama onto Tony who didn't deserve it. As far as I'm concerned until the scene in the backseat Stephanie was the jerk in the relationship.


I'll agree she was heartless about him getting fired.


Exactly, Tony lost his job (but to be honest he was sick of that job and didn't want it to be his future) yet she didn't even seem to care, she didn't even suggest "wait we'll do this some other time, you need to go back and get your job back, don't lose your job over me". I completely agree Tony never should have forced himself on her but until that point Stephanie was as Double J described "a snotty bitch".


You are neither sorry nor correct, but merely making shallow and unoriginal comments, loosely based on the crass concept that working class women with little hope of self improvement other than by physical means are to be judged off the scale more harshly than their male counterparts.
You have lot in common with Tony Manero's dad, but he had the excuse of being born circa 1920.


Stephanie was a hypocrite, that is what I couldn't stand about her. She put other people down for not being smart yet Tony was smarter than she was and she whored around to get ahead at the office. Look her behavior at the office was her own personal business, but it's the fact that she put others down because she was insecure with herself that made me hate her.

"I really wish Gia and Claire had became Tanner" - Honeybeefine


*beep* bitch or not, I wouldn't kick Stephanie out of bed for eating crackers.


she bought the wrong size

so many movies, so little time


My take is that he was un-nicely telling her that she was pathetic for chasing him like that.


Nowadays if Annette had any real friends, they would explain to her that Tony was just not that into her.

Tony was honest with Annette from the get go. They had gone on one date where all Annette did was talk about her married sisters. Tony got the impression all she cared about was being another married sister, and Tony had no interest in being married to Annette or anyone else. Tony didn't want to be steadily dating Annette, he didn't want to have sex with her. The only reason Tony went to the car with Annette was because she played the well maybe I will have sex with one of your friends instead card. However, once Tony realized Annette wasn't using any birth control/protection, that was it. He was done. The condom scene was the last straw.

Stephanie wasn't the office slut. She was dating a guy she worked with, but she broke it off once she realized he was a jerk. Stephanie thought he liked and cared about her, but once he started putting her down, she realized all his help and the relationship was about his ego, and making himself feel important.

If Stephanie had wanted to date Tony like Annette did, Tony would have treated her like crap to.


The only time tony treated Stephanie like crap was the scene in the back seat. Tony at least was honest with Annette he didn't want a relationship with her but she just wasn't getting it. I still cannot get over the coffee shop scene, tony is trying his absolute hardest to keep the conversation going and all Stephanie does is make fun of him and make him feel awkward and yes Romeo and Juliet is Shakespeare I can't believe Stephanie didn't know that, that and her "I bet you didn't get no college" comment. No one in this movie was really a good person but I find Stephanie the most disgusting and the only person I think tony was legitimately mean to was Bobby.
