Funniest scene

"i don't kn--"
*shoots his hair off*



I love how after she'd ask for his help, she'd say "Oh, shut up!"
And when they trip each other for the diamond, she pulled him down by his hair! XD


The one scene i always laughed out loud and the hardest at is when medusa is driving the car and she pulls the wheelie ROFLMFAO so damn funny

I've got a girlfriend punch that out of me bitches

Dudley - Wild Hogs


There are many funny moments here:
The crocodiles playing the pipe organ
Medussa shooting the place down, the whole scene is hilarious
Any scene between Medussa and Snoops, some of the dialogue sparkles like bubbles on the top of a champagne glass
When Medussa gets ambushed by the swamp animals, and there is an instance when she gets a fork poked into her bottom
I don't know about anyone else, but I find Penny imitating Madame Medussa quite amusing

"Life after death is as improbable as sex after marriage"- Madeline Kahn(CLUE, 1985)


'i don't kn--'
*shoots his hair off*"

That part always makes me bust a gut laughing. The whistling sound that accompanies it make it all the more hilarious.

Actually, most scenes with Snoops crack me up. He never seems to catch a break.


The funniest moments for me are when she shouts out Penny's name out of nowhere (i'ts done twice in the movie I believe), cracks me up so much.

Go Mischa/Marissa(2003-2006)
Wisdom is freedom


"Didn't you bring some one big with you? Like the police?" Looking back, I don't know why I thought this was so funny...

Overall, the humor missed for me. (I like the sequel way more - don't hate me!) But I also loved Evinrude, and I chuckled every time he was too tired to keep pushing the boat. Adorable!

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The scene where Snoops tries to convince Medusa she doesn't need the big diamond by pointing out the smaller ones she has only to be smacked in the hands by her.

"Here are beauties which pierce like swords or burn like cold iron"-C.S. Lewis


Snoop saying to Medusa 'your the boss boss'

The mouse hitting Medusa on the head with a rolling pin


the crocs and the pipe organ. never fails to make me laugh
