Madame Medusa's Fate
So, in your mind/opinion, did she live or did she die?
I think we're supposed to assume she eventually ran out of strength to cling to the stack and was eaten, but Disney is usually more direct with the deaths of their villains than leaving it open like that. Sure, they won't show her actually being eaten, but falling into the water and not surfacing would have been enough to know for sure what had happened to her.
Always thought there was a slim chance that Medusa survived. Maybe Nero and Brutus finally found something else to eat or gave up and swam away (maybe after Snoops! haha!) Medusa had been shown being pretty abusive toward them throughout the whole movie, and they never seemed to really mind it until all hell broke loose and she started hitting them with the ropes to make them go faster.
I'm sure she died and that the majority will probably agree, but jsut thought I'd ask others' opinions on her defeat/death/whatever. Were you satisfied with it? Would you have done it different?