
Its been a long time since I last watched this. Found it on Netflix, and put it on for my kids. Wow, I had a complete different memory of Orville's voice! It sounds so much like the Sheriff from Robin Hood I had to look up the actor... and to my surprise, they was two different people! Makes me wonder what other movies I may misremember.

ETA: We are watching The Rescuers Down Under and I now why I 'remembered' a different voice for the albatross. Oh, John Candy!


I'm sure you missremember a lot of movies and TV Shows if you haven't seen them for a while. Just like real life, it's so easy for memories to be wrong in places - the differences is you can rewatch movies and TV Shows. The closest for real life is video footage, which isn't exactly the same.


The Sheriff of Nottingham (Pat Buttram) voices Luke, while Orville was voiced by radio star Jim Jordan.


Let's talk about The Rescuers' voice cast. I think it's one of the most perfect voice casts ever assembled by Disney. I like how they didn't go for any "regulars", save for Pat Buttram (but come on, who else could've voiced Luke?), and brought in a variety of voices from TV and radio. Bob Newhart was perfect as Bernard, Eva Gabor was also perfect as Miss Bianca, Geraldine Page stole the show as Medusa, her voice was absolutely perfect. Michelle Stacy had the most adorable little girl voice ever recorded. EVERYBODY was absolutely perfect in their given role.
