
Why did the pronunciation keep changing? Just wondering.


Accents. Miss Bianca has Eva Gabor's Hungarian accent, while the Swamp Folk like Ellie Mae, and Bernard have southern United States and New York accents, which pronounce certain things differently.

http://www.petitiononline.com/drescuer/petition.html Sign petition, save The Rescuers!


Got it, thanks. This really confused me as a kid (I kept thinking, "did they go over the script or not?")


So which one is the correct pronunciation?


Well, which pronunciation of "potato" is correct? Unlike Spanish or German, the English language is not phonetic and has no consistent guidelines, so accents and dialects are going to influence over the pronunciation of different words. Ellie Mae's accent is one found within the English language's dialects, whereas Miss Bianca's is foreign (influenced by the Hungarian language), however, I would personally consider both to be correct or acceptable.

http://www.petitiononline.com/drescuer/petition.html Sign petition, save The Rescuers!


Anyone notice the pun in his name?

Evinrude is the name of an outboard motor company.


Noticed thst the first time i saw the film. Thought it was a clever name.

