Does anyone else find it stupid that...
Eva Gabor's death ALONE was allegedly enough to kill this amazing franchise??? What WAS Disney thinking??? Some person pointed out that various classic Disney voice actors have passed away since the original's release, and yet DECADES later, they come out with new (completely RECAST, no less) sequels!!!
SALLY KELLERMAN would do just fine as a new Bianca (if stupid Mizz Bianca was ever going to appear, that is) OR Bernard (BOB NEWHART is still around) COULD go at it ALONE!!!
I may have hated "The Rescuers Down Under" to quite an extent, but ONLY because Penny, Rufus, Evinrude, etc. WEREN'T *beep* IN IT!!! Bianca could be dropped if needed (they don't need a Hungarian SLUT to tagalong, do they?)
P.S. Yes, I DO intended to disrespect Eva Gabor. She was awfully stupid, anyways, and thus, again, it makes no *beep* sense why Disney chose to scrap a franchise all over a single pathetic slut... AGAIN, they haven't had qualms at recasting FAR more important people in classic Disney films...