MovieChat Forums > Quel maledetto treno blindato (1978) Discussion > Please don't compare this to Tarantino's...

Please don't compare this to Tarantino's film

Comparing this films makes no sense. The only connection is the name. The plot is completely different. All the characters are completely different. It's not a remake. They are so different in fact that if Tarantino had called his version something else, no one would of made a connection to the original Inglorious Bastards.



They're both war movies with extremely identical shots, characters and story itself.

You need to understand something about Tarantino. He's NOT ORIGINAL!!!! Even he knows it(and he'd probably admit it too) because the truth of the matter is that he literally just emulates other movies he's seen and creates his "own story" with it. It's kind of like how you'd play with your he-man, thundercat and GI Joe action figures as a little kid. Except with movies instead of steroid enhanced Saturday morning cartoon characters.

So to compare the two movies is completely justifiable.


Is this aa goid as QT's? Been wanting to check. ut out.

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magpie-ism? Do you mean he squawks and squawks and squawks and squawks endlessly, making pop culture reference after pop culture reference after pop culture reference and then sudden bouts of VIOLENCE!



I agree with you about his films in general, but he gives himself (as an actor) too much dialog in his films. I guess he can do whatever he wants because he delivers some great films, with some great dialog; but, JESUS CHRIST -- an Australian trapper in DJango? Was he just so bad at southern accents he thought posing as an Aussie was more believable? *beep* me. He should have cut that scene.

He may be able to do dialog in very rare occasions, but he cannot do accents. And his line about "dead *beep* in Pulp Fiction was just annoying. His only really decent dialog is in Reservoir Dogs when he talks about Madonna and big dicks. Even then you're kinda annoyed by the character, but it works. And it only ever really worked in that scene. lol

But I love his movies, just not really his acting which breaks the immersion -- my suspension of disbelief becoming a ton of bricks that splat my head. Why can't he be like silent or monosyllabic like Hitchcock was? STFU Quentin Tarrantino! STFU!!!

Hahahahaha -- though I think my favorite line is from Robert Rodriguez's "From Dusk Til Dawn" when he imagines Juliette Lewis asks him, "Ritchie, would you do me a favor and eat my pussy for me please?" He replies, "Uh, sure."

Now THAT is *beep* dialog made for Tarrantino. It's almost like he needs a different person to be the director when he's acting.



People are just using this as an argument for "TARANTINO STEALS ALL HIS MOVIE IDEAS OMG".

When you play the game of monopoly, you win or you go bankrupt. There is no middle ground.
