This movie makes me cry
Why'd it have to be so cruel?
Nolan harpoons the female. She then tries to kill herself by swimming into the engines. Nolan then ties her up on the boat. She miscarries, in one horrific scene, then hoses the fetus off the boat. Meanwhile, the male is screeching/roaring in shock and rage. Up until this point it's heartbreaking.
But noooooooo, that's not enough! They figure out the female is miraculously still breathing,'so they cut her loose. As she's being pushed to shore by the male, she finally dies. Then Rampling's character sits next to the carcass and reads to her.
How anybody could make it through these intact is beyond me. I cry still thinking about it, even tho I know none of it is real.
It was so cruel.
Do not taunt happy fun ball. share