You sir, if you are not already working for a movie production house (perhaps specializing in remakes of already good movies for quick cash), should avoid seeking a career in the movie production business. Seeing as it is already full of talentless, money worshipping, lazy, soul destroying, shameless hacks. Your particular ideas, while still offending the public at large who like old movies the way they are and don't want their memory tarnished by shoddy remakes, would also be looked down upon by the other no good talentless hacks out there.
If on the other hand you do already work for one of those production houses and are perhaps vetting your ideas with the public before recommending your production house buy up the rights to this film, then I dutifully suggest that you seek redemption by removing yourself from polite society by sticking a stainless steel fork into a live Proctor-Silex toaster. Have some of your producer friends engage you in a group hug during the cleansing. Please, do everyone a favor.
For everyone else reading this poor, pathetic thread, do any of you notice that whenever you visit the page for a really good movie from a few decades ago, there is sure to be someone there asking everyone what they would think of a remake of this and who would you like to see cast in it and here is what I would change about it? Is IMDB being used by producers to vet ideas about easy to make remakes? Are we in fact helping them to put out substandard product based on well made movies, whose only crime was to have been made before the 14 to 25 year old crowd had a chance to see them? Will using the same script and adding todays special effects make up for the substandard acting that inevitably infests these remakes? I say that if these parasites who have taken over Hollywood cannot come up with ideas of their own then they should step down and hand the reigns of power in Hollywood to a new generation of film makers who are willing to take a chance instead of retreading older movies into mediocrity.
Anyone else contributing a cast call of recent actors to remake this film deserves a wakeup call consisting of a swift, solid kick in the posterior.