Needs a remake

This is a great story which unfortunately came just before the big boom in collegiate sports which occurred during the 80s & 90s - partically the growth of college basketball & the NCAA tournament. I know the NCAA tournament was in place in '77 when this was made, but it wasn't anywhere nearly as HUGE as it is today. Because of the ridiculous amount college basketball has exploded over the past 20 years, this story/movie can be remade very well. There's so many little stories that can now be implemented into the story which have just become common stories in the 21st century NCAA Division I sports.

your thoughts ?


It would lose it's sweetness and innocence..which has to be preserved. A modern director would only turn it into something political and mean spirited.
Too many Good movies are made into substandard products with the well meaning remakes. If it ain't broke don't fix it!!
Awwwww sweet Robbie, ne'er fear I won't let them ruin your creations or YOU!


You can't just assume that a modern dirctor would turn this into something political & mean spirited.

I feel it would be a much more interesting movie these days. NCAA basketball has blown up ever since this movie was made, and that in itself would provide other story arcs for any remake.

I'm not saying that this movie is broke & needs fixed. I'm just saying that this is one of those rare cases in which times have changed dramatically since the original, and a remake would definitely have some news aspects of the subject matter to portray.


Leave this turd alone.


Uh they kind of re-did a it with "Blue Chips" Nick Nolte


Uh no they didn't

just because another movie is about the dark side of college basketball doesn't mean it's a remake of One on One


The movie is fine as a stand alone. It just doesn't need to be remade and hopefully it will never happen for a good long, long time even better if never. If it were remade today, it would be hollow, pretentious , immodest, and insincere. A 'remake' just says it all there, also and actually that's all that it would really only be just figures captured in the frame of a film or digitally attempting for pretentiousness as remotely as possible but it's too late for that in this day and age. This is another memorably favorite of mine that I saw as a kid. I don't know how or why but today's movies as a reflection of the director's and actors and actresses all seem to generate hollowness and running on empty. It doesn't need to be remade at all. You don't see how unoriginal and copycatting you are, MyDarkStar. Why not take a different approach to the premise instead of imitating and replicating. That's just mind-numbingly dumb and painfully unoriginal and going through the motions. It just proves, people like you are the one's that can't seem to imagine other ways but are stuck because of the lack of ability to tell stories in fresh ways by repeating and repeating and repeating what's been done before. Anyone for more 'Pyscho', anyone?!?


It wasn't necessary to insult me like that.


I agree with you Dark just becasue you asked a question doesn't mean people can bash your opinion.


Uh no they didn't

just because another movie is about the dark side of college basketball doesn't mean it's a remake of One on One

Uh well actually there were NUMEROUS plot similarities between "One on One" and "Blue Chips," so many, and so blatant, it's hard to believe the writers and directors wouldn't have been aware of it. It's not like "One on One" was a totally forgotten obscure movie.

See my separate thread on the topic. In my view, "Blue Chips" is a sequel, 18 years later, at the same school -- in some ways, showing very little had changed.


I think that would be awesome, if they did it the right way and did not take away from the original. There are many aspects which could be explored with the modern world of college sports. I think it could be done very well.


I think so as well (obviously, since I made the thread :) )

anyway, I love this movie. I always have. But the world of college basketball has changed a great amount over the past 25 years. This same story can still be applied. Most of the basic story wouldn't even need to be changed, just some of the aspects of it would now be changed to properly display the current environment of college basketball.

and yes, it would have to be done in the right way. An example of doing it the "wrong" way would be The Program. That movie tried to show present day college football but sucked. I would not want a remake of One on One to be anything like that.


This film does not need to be updated for today, you snivelling, pathetic idiot.

Can't you get it in your obtuse cranium that many of these classics are best left alone??

Who the hell cares if it was in the 70's and times are different now. IT IS A 70'S MOVIE BASED IN THE 70'S!!

Your logic is completely asinine. Why don't we just have producers update Gladiator so it is in the present?

Think of a new concept instead of wanting everything remade just because YOU think it should be, and stop being a putz.


it wasn't necessary to insult me

thank you for your input


I don't think it was necessary to insult you either, MyDarkStar, but I don't think remaking this film would be a good idea. Surely there are enough original ideas left in Hollywood that producers wouldn't have to retell a 30-year-old story that, in my book, wasn't very compelling to begin with. "One on One" existed in a certain era and place, and whatever appeal the film had arose from the character development and the actors who played them. I think there are still enough good writers left who can create new, unique characters -- and enough good actors left who can play them -- without telling this story again.

Remakes of good films pale by comparison. Remakes of bad films are pointless. To me, "One on One" is somewhere in the middle. I hope I have disagreed constructively.


I hope I have disagreed constructively.

you certainly did, WarPedRecord :-)

and actually, you made me change my mind. You right. The best part of this movie is indeed the character development, not the actual story itself.

After I read your post I started thinking about it & a remake would probably be a wasted effort. Yes, NCAA basketball has greatly changed. But that wouldn't really matter much in the true best part of this movie.

I guess I'm starting to think too much like a Hollywood producer who just wants to blow up the budget of old movies & give it a shiny coating.

Thanks WarPedRecord


Wow, I didn't realize I was that persuasive, but I'm glad I was able to change your mind constructively, MyDarkStar. There's so much flaming and name-calling on these boards that I often give up reading about the films I like because it gets too depressing.

I'm not a big sports fan, but I would love to see a film that addressed the contemporary issues of collegiate athletics: steroids and other drugs, the pressure to succeed at the expense of academics, the bidding wars for top athletes, what happens when star players break the law. There are so many ripped-from-the-headlines movies that could be made, but it seems like Hollywood won't touch them.

Anyway, I'm glad I was able to convince you. Have a great day, MyDarkStar, and beware the flamers.


You sir, if you are not already working for a movie production house (perhaps specializing in remakes of already good movies for quick cash), should avoid seeking a career in the movie production business. Seeing as it is already full of talentless, money worshipping, lazy, soul destroying, shameless hacks. Your particular ideas, while still offending the public at large who like old movies the way they are and don't want their memory tarnished by shoddy remakes, would also be looked down upon by the other no good talentless hacks out there.

If on the other hand you do already work for one of those production houses and are perhaps vetting your ideas with the public before recommending your production house buy up the rights to this film, then I dutifully suggest that you seek redemption by removing yourself from polite society by sticking a stainless steel fork into a live Proctor-Silex toaster. Have some of your producer friends engage you in a group hug during the cleansing. Please, do everyone a favor.

For everyone else reading this poor, pathetic thread, do any of you notice that whenever you visit the page for a really good movie from a few decades ago, there is sure to be someone there asking everyone what they would think of a remake of this and who would you like to see cast in it and here is what I would change about it? Is IMDB being used by producers to vet ideas about easy to make remakes? Are we in fact helping them to put out substandard product based on well made movies, whose only crime was to have been made before the 14 to 25 year old crowd had a chance to see them? Will using the same script and adding todays special effects make up for the substandard acting that inevitably infests these remakes? I say that if these parasites who have taken over Hollywood cannot come up with ideas of their own then they should step down and hand the reigns of power in Hollywood to a new generation of film makers who are willing to take a chance instead of retreading older movies into mediocrity.

Anyone else contributing a cast call of recent actors to remake this film deserves a wakeup call consisting of a swift, solid kick in the posterior.


no re-make, but perhaps an updated NCAA hoops story with a different plot and characters.

btw, it sounds like rams lakers did not have his prozac today.


btw, it sounds like rams lakers did not have his prozac today

tell me about it.

Isn't it sad that some people view online boards as an opportunity to insult people ? It's like they know they can come online & insult people & never have to answer up to it or be responsible for it.

I think some people are just very angry people.


I'm relatively young and stumbled upon this film long after Benson's hayday
One On One is a great film for its charm
You can't recapture charm

The thing about this film that is so wonderful is its universal quality within a very specific time period many people would like to think they no longer relate to. If you were a teenager right now flipping through channels you would probably go right on passed it because it would appear dull and dated, but we all know that if they actually took the time to watch it for a few minutes, they would be hooked. That's what I took away from One On One and now it's one of my favorite films of all time.

I like that this movie feels like a little gift to a selected amount of people. In my opinion, a remake would be too much of a gamble risking the movie's original eloquence. It would just dampen a lot of our spirits if it wasn't well received. And if it succeeded, it would probably only be because everything we love about the original had been totally whorred out in the updating process.

Let's not take that risk.
I would hate it if somebody tarnished the image of this movie.

Welcome to The Hotel Hell!


AuntBebo, I totally agree with you about the charm, and it being a "gift"! There is no-one quite like Robby Benson-Ice Castles, Ode to Billy Joe and One on One are all really lovely movies because of him. One on One totally captures that era. The seventies songs are perfect for it. It made me crazy to go to college when I saw it in theatres. I wouldn't change a thing about it. Enough movies have been made with similar stories that we don't have to remake this one.

Also, it's unique in that Melanie G is so young she hasn't had a chance to have plastic surgery yet!

(It's "heyday" by the way, and past, not passed, and whored. is great if you're not sure of a word.)


No remake, please.

If something's good to begin with, then there's really no reason to remake it.

I just wish that they'd put this, and many other minor films out on DVD.



There is no reason to make this movie again unless the picture was a silent one or filmed in black and white. Robby Benson, Annette O'Toole, and G.D. Spradlin were perfectly cast as the leads. I'm sure there are alot of other interesting stories about college basketball that could be told other than this story.


I think any attempt to remake/update this film would result in a vastly different story. In today's media environment, Henry would probably be much better known and the coach would be under much greater scrutiny. The somewhat sadistic attempts to get Henry off the team, would be found out. He'd never have been able to lie to his parents about how life at college was and how the coach was treating him because every game would be on TV.


Some people on these boards think any film made before 2000 needs a remake. Sad.


Some people on these boards think any film made before 2000 needs a remake. Sad.

so sad and so stupid.

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...
