MovieChat Forums > Oh, God! (1977) Discussion > Talk about a movie that works because of...

Talk about a movie that works because of casting...

This film only works so well because of the casting of George Burns and John Denver. Burns was so likable, funny and non-threatening that very few could be offended at his playing God. And John Denver was so average but seemingly nice that he was the perfect everyman and the kind of guy who could make it believable God would choose him for His message. I read the original idea was God played by Mel Brooks. That would have been a very different film and wouldn't have worked half as well. Even now, no one has appeared to take George Burns place, an 80 and 90 something year old movie star. He was one of a kind.

Open the door for Mr. Muckle!!


I'd have to totally agree with you. I saw this film when I was about 11 years old in the movie theater. I don't think I quite appreciated this film at the time. I just watched it again today, and it truly is a fun flick!

Trust me,
My, you're nosey, aren't you?


half the fun nowadays is looking back at the 70's as i remember them. but yeah, the casting was absolutely wonderful. Even the guy's kids were well-cast and in the 70's, getting decent kid actors was a chore and a half.

Speak louder, Mr. Hart! Fill the room with your intelligence!


It was written for Mel Brooks and Woody Allen. Burns was as good as Brooks would have been, but Allen would have been better than Denver.


It would have been more of a farce with Brooks and Allen. Burns and Denver gave it heart.

Open the door for Mr. Muckle!!


I agree, filmmekker. Burns and Denver gave it heart. It wouldn't have worked as well with Mel Brooks and definitely NOT Woody Allen. I love this movie more as an adult than I did as kid. But, I was never a fan of John Denver back then either. Now I love his music.
