MovieChat Forums > Kingdom of the Spiders Discussion > A 'B' horror flick that has some surpris...

A 'B' horror flick that has some surprisingly worthwhile moments

I can imagine the director gathering the cast & crew and saying something like, "Look, I know we're not making 'Citizen Kane,' but let's make a quality movie."

A good example is the conventional scene where the sheriff goes to a house to inform a woman that her husband is dead, yet he is unable to do so with words and so just grabs her in silence, hugging her, as the camera switches to a view from a distance. I wasn't expect that in a 'B' television flick. Kinda moving.


Who knew tarantulas could be that dangerous


Better than Empire of the Ants.


It's a pretty good flick and no cheap CGI or harryhausen stop motion animation. Just real wholesome tarantulas..lots of them!


Yet another MC listing with no visible year attached. Good lord, hand the site over to someone who'll care enough to maintain it properly. πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„
