"do you guys remember that this "scene" at the end with the spider's web arounf the all town was actually a simple black and white drawing? funny ;)"
When I first saw Kingdom Of The Spiders many years ago on TV I thought the ending with the town being covered in webbing actually looked real (mind you, I was only 11 years old at the time). But when I saw the movie again years later, I thought "that last scene doesn't look realistic at all, just looks like a drawing or something." And as you guys have pointed out, that's exactly what it was. Just a painting. Oh well, what do you expect with a low budget, right?
What IS real about Kingdom Of The Spiders, however, are the spiders themselves. Those really are tarantulas crawling all over the actors. In fact, I once read an interesting article about this movie in which they talked about how they did the casting. Each potential actor/extra was brought into the casting office and had a live tarantula placed on one of their shoulders. If they didn't faint then they got the part.