MovieChat Forums > Kingdom of the Spiders Discussion > Did everyone die in this movie!?

Did everyone die in this movie!?


I only saw this movie a couple of times in my lifetime and i'm the end of the movie when william shatner's character was still fighting the spiders and he was caught up in the webs...he was technically dead...?
so that would mean that every character in the movie died?

is it me or was all the horror movies/natuaral disaster movies of the 70's everyond died in...Including the main characters's!?
with very bad cheep music to end it with...LOL



and why doesn't the webbing covering the town have spiders crawling around in it? It's all just web, no spiders.

I always thought since the spiders had already killed everyone, they ended up eating themselves, lol

"...'cause you people are BASTARD PEOPLE!" ~ Corky St. Clair



Yes and no. Shatner is still alive at the end but they're pretty much screwed.
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Everyone died, except for the radio broadcaster at the end


I got the feeling they were all doomed as the spiders waited them out to get stuck inside their webs outside the cabin.
